Sunday, December 11, 2016

The Pee Wee & Olive Oyl Farewell Run

And of course farewell to Soi Boy. Is there anyone I have forgotten, …oh yea, Kii Leum.
The run was a short-cutters paradise, with many opportunities for the 13 long runners to be the “winner” to the beer stop at least. But surprisingly not a single successful shortcut was observed. The out and the in trails were never more than about 300m apart, and in several places just 50m or less. Beavershot where were you when we didn’t need you?
The long run had a total length of just over 6.0km, NOT including the 7 false trails and 1 checkback, and boy what a checkback that was. I recall one hare mumbling repeatably “this is ‘orrible, this is just ‘orrible”. The total upwardness was about 320m to a maximum elevation of 220m. The short run meanwhile, had a total ascent of 100m over a distance of 3.5km, and also included the beerstop.
Speaking of beerstops, many thanks to Pee Wee and Olive Oyl for the most generous contribution of beer, which surely compensated for the nasty run. Best of luck with your new job in the Toy factory Pee Wee, and hope you all fare well in the land of Trumpism.
I would like to say a special thank you to Ork’s Dork for the many late late nights she has put into at work, to make shreddy for our hash runs. And to R2D2 for the countless & thankless hours of sitting on the beer truck, selling tokens to the increasingly inebriated hashers. All this to provide the revenue to pay for the ‘free’ water, soda & ice we all enjoy. A big thanks to Sex Sprinter and his helpers, especially Buk Toy, who have stepped in on many occasions to set runs when it seemed we were going to be without hares. And not forgetting our perennial hare, Egghead, who always seems to be setting SH3, FMH3 or HH3 runs, as well as fiddling (with) the books on a weekly basis. And of course all those other hashers who stepped up to set a run this year. Thanks, now can we do another relay run.

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