Monday, December 12, 2016

A run of three halves

Yes, three halves, as in it should have been about two thirds as long!
Even with Stick Insect's almost short cut to beyond the beer stop cut out, this monster was ten and a half kilometers and precious little chance of a short cut once the first beer stop was reached by fair means. By some miracle none of the long runners got lost, with many opting for a walk down Poonakan from somewhere after the alleged second beer stop which many did not even find and was anyway short of any actual beer! Last home were Toy Boy and Man U who manfully stuck to the paper but arrived long after dark.
The short run(5.5k)ners were less fortunate as the later to be named Roti (a.k.a. Ha Roy Rupee) and 'er with the yappy dogs (Toa Ngork?) became temporarily displaced and had to be rescued by Sex Teacher and Luk Long, driving Inch Dick's pick up, who then also got lost on the way home and had to be talked back to the run site via a gruesome road accident.
No, this was not a run for the faint hearted! Hares: Sex Si, Sex of the Man and Sex Tour X; be warned they are dangerous!

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