Monday, January 23, 2017

The long & the short of it ....the stick that is

OK here it is than, without any foreplay at all. A yardstick production with the assistance of All Black who provided the alcoholic beverage supply for the beerstops.
The long run itself was only a paltry 6.0km, including the 4 false trails. This was somewhat less than was quoted at the pre-run circle by the hare, who conveniently forgot that a number of ‘F’s had been eliminated due to time restraints at the time of laying. The total ascent was about 280m, if you went to the ‘F’ at the very top of the hill, which was about 180m above the runsite. The short run was fairly modest at 2.7km and a total ascent of 110m, but regrettably missed out on the 2 beerstops located at C04 & C06. I think it was generally agreed that both runs were fairly benign, without any beating with large sticks, even providing free laundry services for footwear at the end of the run.
As an insight to the mind of the fanatic hare, a synopsis of the run construction follows. Due to severe time restraints on setting the run due to the harsh weather on the Friday, and other commitments on Saturday morning, the hare devised a crafty scheme for setting the run, with instructions to self.
Run 1857
Go to big tree, take road past soccer field and take road veering right.
Do paper drops at end of road (C04) and where run crosses road (C06). Put up Beerstop signs.
Take dirt road to crossroad. Leave carry bag where run crosses road (C07).
Park at crossroad and do paper drop at top of hill (C02). Remember to take Runsite sign, Short Run sign & short run paper.
Put up Short run sign and lay connecting short paper to C07. Commence laying long run from C07.
Put up Runsite sign at runsite location.
Refill bag at C02.
Refill bag at C04.
Refill bag at C06.
Complete long run at C07. Pick up bag at top of hill?
Put up Right turn sign on track to runsite.
Put up Road Signs at runsite track and at Wat Khun Tong.


  1. Some corrections made to Check numbers.

  2. Just goes to prove that you can think that you know the countryside and then be so completely wrong about where we were, that at the 5th 360, even though it was almost at a runsite I've used many times I was looking for paper in completely the opposite direction to where that day's runsite was. And I hadn't even had a beer! Amazing run.

  3. Just to reassure anyone who hasn't set a run, that checklist is an extreme example. Sex Sprinter's list for instance goes:

    1. Take bag of paper and toss out pieces as you wander around.

    For the rest of us it's somewhere between those two extremes.

    1. BS is absolutely correct, setting a run is usually as easy as filling up a big bag of shreddy at the runsite, walk around dropping paper till you get back to the runsite. Do the same thing with the short run paper, go home, put your feet up and have a nice cold beer.
