Monday, January 2, 2017

HH3 New Year run

For the first Hatyai Hash of 2017 Robocop set a compact little run, mainly in consideration of the predictably small turnout but maybe also having mercy on their hangovers. Its length looked to be about 4.5km with a total ascent of just 200m, but my watch tends to underestimate ascent (or so I tell myself). There were just over a half dozen long runners and not many more on the short run, and most got back within 50 minutes to an hour. Hope you liked it because I'm going to sneakily steal someone else's run* and do an enhanced-length variant of it for my next run at the end of this month.

*Editor's note: This bit in red was not written by me. As the only other person who can edit posts on this blog and as someone with clearly too much time on his hands, Egghead is the prime suspect. But then if he'd actually done Sunday's run he would have realized that Robocop pretty much stole the whole thing from my last run from this site. I'm just reclaiming it. So there!


  1. An 'enhanced length' requires an enhanced shortcut!!!

  2. Yes, I feel you deserve a larger canvas for your creativity than you had yesterday.

  3. Nice to see you owning up to your sneakiness!

  4. Вы были взломаны КГБ!

  5. A larger canvas? Marvellous, life is a canvas on which to daub my triumphs.

    Quiz: who said that?

    1. You did, unless the KGB have been at it again!

  6. I fear Conebrain has gone over to the dark side.

  7. I can edit other people's posts? Weee! Ok ok I'll take the rap. I just thought I'd discovered a glitch in the system. Not much fun if it was legit!

  8. Yes, in a moment when I was ready to quit this job forever I gave you administrator privileges. I was going to say use them wisely but . . . nah, whatever.
