Sunday, January 13, 2013

The run in pictures

Flowerpot Man arrives on the beer truck. He was narrowly to avoid icing after he admitted taking it easy on the run to save himself for his social life in the evening. Mostly we were just envious.

Kii Leum did end up on the ice, for erratic parenting. Of course his kid is turning out a lot better than he did, so he must be doing something right. He also told us the traditional way to compliment a Dutch woman: "You're as fat as a pig!"

Bitch and Master. (The Master is the one in front.)

At last we get a hot girl on the hash and all she wants to do is sell us fruit.
Hares R2D2 and Perky set a most satisfying run in an area that seems to change every time we visit it. 
Yardo was thanked for his almost one year of service as SH3 Grandmaster. What he doesn't know is that in just two weeks, under the light of the full moon at midnight in a ceremony featuring the sacrifice of a live goat, he will be inducted into the mysterious ranks of THE CRONIES.

Ladies, be careful of this man. His dog will get your dog pregnant.

The amateur way to cut open a coconut.

The professional way.

This seems to come dangerously close to violating the great philosopher Meatball's famous dictum, "Never eat anything bigger than your head."

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