Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Last Saturday's run

Set by Innuendo, GPS track by Stick Insect


  1. Dare we ask how long?
    So much great running and good trails and we even managed to upset a pompous old religious fart which is always good fun!

  2. Long run apparently 9.9kms.
    Whatever those dudes were practising, it wasn't Buddhism.

    1. Intersting follow up on the monk-ey business. Only a Yolk got a call from Solong's brother, Min (Knob Gobbling at SH3) who said that he had been approached by one of the monks at the meditation center who he apparently knows, and asked to pass on a warning to the hash not to run on the land belonging to the meditation center as it disturbed the concentration of the people there meditating. 'scuse me while I find my salt!

  3. So here's proof for those of you who've tried to imagine the run was just a bad nightmare!

    Thx for posting!
