Saturday, December 5, 2015

1798 - an artist's impression

More or less what the long run hares set, and exactly what the short run hare set. Horizontally a mere 5.2 k (2.9 for the short run) but vertically a total ascent of 235m to get to a maximum height of 241m, with the short run keeping their feet well and truly on the ground. So no points for subtlety nor for outwitting the short-cutting tendency who managed to cut between the 6th and 8th 360's by just ploughing down the hill, thus avoiding the nice gentle track that the hares had selected for them. Sex Sprinter was iced as the ring-leader with returnee, Short Screw, Palm Job and Stick Insect as more or less willing accomplices.
A democratic decision about the 1800th run followed, as did a predictable decision about the next full moon run which will fall on Christmas Day. More details later. However don't expect any surprises or innovation! But, Hell! we're a Hash!

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