Sunday, March 31, 2013

Run 1660 Rehash

Yesterday's long run in all it's glory. Apart from various accusations of nanny haring (possibly true) the pack managed to finish the run pretty well together in about 1 hour. Beavershot managed to finish well ahead of everyone else, but I'm not sure if that was just due to running really fast, or by using some other devious means of bypassing some long of the long loops and "F"s towards the end of the run. Some run statistics were total length 5.4kms, total ascent 280m, maximum height 184m. This compares to the short run, as live hared by our outstanding Hare Raiser and verbalist, R2D2, with a total length of 4.2km and maximum height of 124m. Does this mean, the long runners are becoming wimpier, or the short runners are becoming tougher? Never mind, I'm pretty sure everyone enjoyed themselves going by the length and girth of the circle afterwards.

PS. I'm still waiting for any donations of past run tracks for 2013 which anyone may have in their possession. Not naming any names, Egghead, Beavershot & Sex Sprinter, but you know who you are!!

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