Sunday, March 10, 2013

Pussies on high

The pussies triumphed again yesterday as they managed to do what Stick Insect and Kii Leum failed to do last year, successfully guiding the pack round the right way up the hill from the old wood yard, now converted temporarily into a water station by those nice people turning the new Yala road into a super-highway. 227 meters at its summit, the run involved about 400 meters of climbing. Perhaps the most notable achievement therefore was not that the pack successfully negotiated all that up, but that the hares did, including as they did, Temporary Relief, Superpig and Peppered Pussy, none of whom are usually to be found at such dizzying heights. A try-out for the walk in April, perhaps? Anyway, total length was about 5.5k which took Sex Sprinter and Beaver about 56 minutes with the aid of some inspired check avoidance. Those laboriously following paper took upwards of an hour, with R2D2 and Ork Dork clocking up a creditable hour-forty.
The new GM was rather less successful in negotiating a rowdy circle and was faced with repeated calls for the return of the cube, but another Hash-night-out on Thursday was mooted the venue being decreed as the Irish pub in Hatyai.

1 comment:

  1. That's "The Cube" (note caps) -- show some respect please!
