Monday, February 11, 2013

Factcheck© : Meteorites and the lottery

OK, we're back to debunk and demystify the latest round of post-run factoidery. Except it seems that some imposter helpful fellow who styles himself as "Fat Chance©" has already investigated that ridiculous claim that February is Songkhla's hottest month. More dangerously he has also taken up Khii Leum's immortal chicken heart story. Apart from offering way too much of an insight into that mad Dutch mind of his, it is completely irrelevant to any concern we might have with poultry. As Brainiac (pictured above), Factcheck©'s chief researcher and adjudicator, puts it, "The only purpose of a chicken's heart is to keep the chicken alive until it's time to eat it."

Anyhow this leaves us with only one factoid today, i.e. are your chances of winning a lottery, say a really big lottery, less than those of being hit by an meteorite? Perky doubted it: "Think of how many people win lotteries versus how many people get hit by meteorites." Brainiac managed to find about half a dozen credible accounts of meteorites hitting people over the past few hundred years, with the most recent just a couple years ago. But of course that does indeed pale compared to the number of lottery winners. And in fact The Guardian recently published a piece appropriately titled "Afraid of being hit by a meteorite? You're more likely to win the lottery." So perhaps Sex Sprinter and Handjob, two of our most serious lottery players, are onto something after all.

Factcheck© is an exclusive service of The Online Scum for the purpose of confirming, correcting, and clarifying the more outstanding examples of factoid, blarney, and bullshit that arise at Songkhla and Hatyai Hash events. Factcheck© and the Brainiac graphic are the exclusive trademarks of The Online Scum LLC, Luxembourg. All rights reserved. Offer void where prohibited by law. Any similarity with fictitious events or characters is purely coincidental. May cause drowsiness or disorientation. Do not consult while operating heavy machinery. 

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