Sunday, September 6, 2015

Softy's Farewell Run

The long and short run contributed by the Softy family as their farewell gesture, temporarily we hope, prior to them leaving for warmer climes farther south. The long run was 7.8kms with a surprising amount of upwards totalling 141m although only rising to just 24m in maximum height. In comparison the short run was 3.4m but with a total ascent of only 18m (does that make it a flat run?)
The long run was set in it's entirety by virgin hares Hip Hop, Rock & Roll and Long Beach, acccompanied by Softcock & Temporary Relief, with Yardstick along for the walk as advisor.
This was followed by free beers after, and during the run, and lots more free alcohol and food at the restaurant following the circle. I'm sure there will be a lot more said  about this in later posts, along with usual collection of nasty photos. Goodbye guys and hurry back.

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