Sunday, December 14, 2014

The boys done good!

No more secrets! Here are today's hares, who as Beavershot notes below set a pretty good run. On a day when any sensible hasher was curled up with a good book (or, if they were lucky, a bad woman - were you lucky Sticky?) and despite some misgivings after last week's less than spectacular run, the boys delivered. 
We can forgive them the first gratuitous hill climb which did not portend well, and even the last pointless loop away from the runsite, which the cogniscenti rejected in favor of a visit to the half-beer stop (only 3 cans left which Beaver, Egg and Leum Kii snapped up before  Moo Sahb followed in their tracks to find the cupboard bare). In between there was an interesting exploration of the less well-used side of the hill culminating in a welcome beer stop next to a torrential waterfall, followed by the third climb of the day and a descent which should have ended at the run site, but for some unknown reason didn't.
But all in all a big improvement on last week making the afternoon worthwhile for those who ignored the appalling weather and alternative literary attractions.

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