Saturday, March 1, 2014

Quiz notes

Another Nail in my Heart? Black Coffee in Bed? OK, then how about Pulling Mussels from a Shell? Squeeze, of course, one of the greatest half dozen or so bands ever to come out of Britain. Here is Another Nail in my Heart, featuring Glenn Tillbrook on vocal and a guitar solo as good as anything Clapton & co. ever did.

Step aside Cumberbatch, you young punk. Jeremy Brett (1933-95) was obsessed with becoming the best Sherlock Holmes ever. We fans would say he succeeded.

To accompany the carrot question there was going to be one on squid too, but I decided it was too hard: how many limbs does a squid have?* [Illustration: Stick Insect's dream woman]

*Ten: eight arms and two tentacles. So the woman's got the right number but the wrong way round.

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