Monday, January 26, 2015

HH3 yesterday

Despite three goes at getting the directions right, (they were correct the first time round!) everyone managed to find the runsite yesterday - well almost everyone, there were a small number of notable absentees who may still have been nursing delicate heads from the previous evening. But Yardo and Sticky were there wearing matching scars, Yardo's discretely covered by a band-aid, Sticky's out there and bloody with his hair stuck in it!
The run started out with a loop around part of the trail followed by the HH3 run 3 weeks ago, then climbed and climbed and climbed up to about 230 meters before a gentle jog down to the beer stop After that the hares had found a previously untrodden trail along the hill southwards, coming down onto the main trail not far North of the runsite. Everyone was home in about 55 minutes and the run was recorded at about 5k for those who avoided the F's and the X.

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