Sunday, May 29, 2011

Rogue elephant on the rampage at Khao Lam

Never let it be said that Stick Insect doesn't meticulously plan his runs down to the finest artistic detail. Coincidence? I think not, any more than was the location of yesterday's run site, adjacent to the village fair, so that R2D2's manful efforts to run a circle worthy of the occasion were all but drowned out by the traditional Thai garb... err music blaring out from the sound system. But it didn't interfere with the consumption of all the beer, wine and champagne that Sticky had thoughtfully laid in, even though the wine token on the long run was never found, thanks to some idiot running off of the paper, calling the pack on from a check before they had time to find the token at the check back where it had been laid. But it didn't matter; we drank it anyway!

Not too many complaints about the run either, which although under the 5k barrier took about an hour and ten even for those who didn't ruthlessly short cut it; and they shall remain nameless to save my blushes and Only a Yolk's too: sometimes local knowledge has it's benefits!

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