Saturday, January 1, 2011

Soft, warm & moist

Welcome to 2011!

Like no doubt hundreds of other Online Scum readers, you have awoken this morning blearly-eyed and fuzzy-headed, wondering how in the world you'll even make it through today. Well here's how: come to the hash! Beavershot and Handjob have prepared a run guaranteed to stretch your limbs, clear your mind, raise your spirits, soothe your soul, and help sprout hair in places you haven't seen it in years. Like all the best beaver, it promises to be soft, warm, and moist. And there may even be some FREE BEER left over from our big Xmas weekend.

Not to oversell this magnificent run, but this truly is the kind of event that will make you wish you could have invited a friend from another hash, just to show him why you run in Songkhla. "Come with me, my friend," you would say, taking him by the hand, "And surely you will soon know what it feels like to run in paradise." And he would look at you as if for the first time and reply, "Please let go of my hand. And stop calling me Shirley."

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