Thursday, April 4, 2019

Harmonious hares

This week's SH3 run is being harmoniously set by Yardstick and Kii Leum, for both of whom there seems to be some possibility that this Saturday may be their last proper run for a while as both have imminent plans to depart for more rewarding shores in the next couple of weeks.
Details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run # 1969, Saturday, April 6, 2019, 4:30 p.m.
Hares:Yardstick and Kii Leum
Misdirections: From the Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4.7k and turn left for 6k then turn left at the Tha Kham crossroads for about 4.2k and turn right into the rubber opposite the big vacant moonscape on the left at 7.039614,100.609073. Alternative routes via the old Yala road are available and from the big tree the run site is 1.8k on the left heading in the direction of Tha Kham. From Hatyai get to Tha Kham and head east for 4.2k etc.
Scant tidings of the HH3 run on Sunday but they will be appropriately added when they emerge. But don't forget that next weekend will be Songkran and the SH3 run will be a town run starting at 11:00 a.m. with lots of beer on the run and lunch to follow. As usual we have a big crowd of visitors from Malaysia joining us and they will also be at next Sunday's HH3 run of which more details next week.

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