Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Rehash of Run 1742

Despite dire warnings of  a typhoon blowing us all to hell if we were to continue on our hash path of  waywardness, and despite the directions to the run site being turned into a monkeys arse, there was a reasonable turnout last Saturday at the runsite, although the contingent from HH3 was rather singular. As it was the rain stayed mostly away, and as we found out on Sunday the forecast typhoon had diverted north to ravish more deserving communities.

The temporary loss of the beer truck, perhaps due to the misdirections resembling, well you know, made the start of the hash even more confusing than normal, and in the end we had to take the rather drastic step of setting out on the long run without the beer truck being present. The 8 long runners managed to stay nicely bunched all the way around due to the clever design by the hares, but more so by the fact that mother nature had managed to wash away, or rather melt away, all evidence of any shreddy and it was left to the hare to guide the hounds through some surreptitious mummy haring. The usual short runners, perhaps wisely, elected to stay and eat, and drink the beer, while R2D2 with Itchy Bitchy, and newish runner Graham were the only short runners to venture forth.

The long run had a total of 6 checks, 8 false trails & 1 check back, which nobody actually reached because of some false calling by Sex Sprinter of "are you?" while standing on the "real" paper.
The stats for the runs were:
Long Run:  7.6kms long, 277m total ascent, max elevation about 100m.
Short Run:  2.8kms, 90m total ascent. Declining to jump on the beer truck after the beer stop, all the long runners and even the short runners elected to complete the run either by following the very scarce paper, or walking back along the road to the runsite.


  1. Yardo, why is it that when you put north at the bottom of your map it kind of makes sense, but when Egghead does it, it makes everything even more confusing than it already was?

    (I have a theory but I'll save it till Saturday.)

  2. I resemble that remark!
    I'd like to know how that huge blue rectangle can be only 2.8k when the purple mis-shape is 7.6k. Something strange going on there!
