Monday, August 4, 2014

1731: Flat in places, wet later.

With a total ascent of just 60m and a maximum height of 52m, Saturday's SH3 run ought not to have troubled the acrophobic, nor was the long run's 7k particularly challenging. But some rough going early on was not appreciated by the purists and a certain uneveness after the beer stop was also commented on, even if virtually everything in between was run on tracks. The short run at 4.4k was carefully calculated to have everybody  arriving together at the beer stop located just before the final F, in which it was almost successful, with only Buk Toy just failing to make it, and Gan Yao and Kee Ling opting to miss out the second half of the run completely. Thanks to Palm Job and Rua Man Kap for contributions of beer, to Beavershot for the wine box and to all those who contributed food to what seemed like a good party which followed.

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