Sunday, November 29, 2015

Also now known as the Royal Carrot Run 1797

No chicken was available at the foodfest after the run, nor were there any carrots as promised there would be by our GM. But lucky enough one of the hares was thoughtful enough to bring along carrot crackers from a royal project farm. The first sampler just happened to be our dedicated hater of these thin orange roots, Beavershot, who became quite partial to their taste. Does that mean he is now a fully converted carrot eater??
The long run overall length was 7.2kms, which included the 2 check-backs, 4 false trails, and 8 checks and the single beer stop. The total ascent was 280m, reaching a maximum height of 133m. The short run was just 2.4kms, with a total ascent of 36m.

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