Thursday, June 30, 2011
Two runs and an outstation

Sunday, June 26, 2011
It felt like a monster to me
The secret side of me, I never let you see
I keep it caged but I can't control it
So stay away from me, the beast is ugly
I feel the rage and I just can't hold it
It's scratching on the walls, in the closet, in the halls
It comes awake and I can't control it
Hiding under the bed, in my body, in my head
Why won't somebody come and save me from this, make it end?
I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I hate what I've become, the nightmare's just begun
I must confess that I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster
I, I feel like a monster
Saturday, June 25, 2011
You call that a monster?!

Well yes, Softcock got it right: we used to tell people to fear the Monster. Now we tell them oh no, please don’t be alarmed, it’s all soft and gentle and fuzzy. Let’s face it: like us ourselves, the Monster ain’t quite what it used to be. But then after last weekend’s two runs, did you really want it to be?
Anyhow here it is, in all its 7km (!) glory. Total ascent was 520m, if you were silly enough to follow the paper on the two false trails and that final checkback.
Whatever you may have thought of the run, I submit that the runsite is a lovely place. Unfortunately there are suprisingly few ways to construct a decent run in and out of it, and this was pretty much the only obvious way (see the map – you really can’t do it much shorter). We should probably return some day. But not too soon
Thursday, June 23, 2011
The monster returns

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Yardo's crackup: The postscript

So here's the tale of the adventure that followed Yardstick's unfortunate Evil Kneivel impersonation. (But first I must add a small correction to my respected colleague's post immediately below this one: the accident occurred not on the main North-South road but on the Phattalung-Trang road, about 500m before its highest point, i.e. the ridge that divides the two provinces. Those of you of a forensic bent are welcome to go up there and see the milestone, now broken and partly uprooted, that suffered the combined impact of Yardo's roo bar, the engine behind it, and the foot behind that.)
Anyhow, we took the victim to Piyarak Hospital in delightful downtown Phattalung, where the staff insisted on knowing his religion, apparently in the case of last rites. Being the sensitive, caring sorts that we are, we then simply carried on with the trip. Stick Insect had arranged accommodations at a resort at Ton Te Waterfall, which is on the west side of the Phattalung-Trang hills probably just a bit south of where we came out on the Khao Jet Yawd hillwalk. Apart from the fact that nobody was there and the place appeared to have closed up a year or two before, it proved quite satisfactory.

The main attraction here is the waterfall itself, which is fairly spectacular and includes perhaps the best natural swimming hole any of us had ever seen, right at the base of the falls. Three of our party (Stick, Bravefart, and me) carried on up the hill to almost 500m, where we found . . . uh, more hill. Anyhow, plenty of opportunity for hill trekking, and some nice rubber down at the bottom for possible hash runs. The resort has only 5 or 6 bungalows, but features a big grass lawn that would be ideal for tents. Anyhow, keep it in mind for a possible outstation run. I think all of us agreed that it's a kind of special place, really lovely and apparently undiscovered.
Going round the bend? Not Yardo!

Sunday, June 19, 2011
We're all mad!

(Click on images to enlarge)
Not much to be said about this weekend's hashing unless you are a psychiatrist in which case you would probably have a lot to say about masochists who having survived Yardo's 9.9k pre-monster on Saturday, then willingly set out on what was being billed as a fairly extreme A to B to C run on Sunday set by well known psychopaths, Sex Star and Sex Ao Ao, smarting for revenge after his inability to stick to the plot last week.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
A hare's lament

Yes, the problem is that Egghead is working on a level of his own these days. He's spent so much time out there in the rubber (maybe more than all our other hares combined) and has set and swept so many times that he can practically set a great run in his sleep. "Run of the year," someone commented on Saturday, in an almost bored tone, as if, well, what else did we expect? Believe me, it ain't easy for us ordinary mortal hares.
Anyhow this is all by way of saying 1) Egghead rules -- many hashes would be lucky to get a run the quality of our last one once a year, and we got two in a weekend. And 2) Yardo and I are stepping up to the challenge this Saturday and next, and you ought to be there!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Did someone forget the beer?

From Songkhla: From the Kao Saeng intersection take the old Yala road for 16.3k and turn right (at Wat Kun Thong) for 2.7k then turn left just after the ceremonial arch and go along the track for 1.6km to the run site. Park alongside track.
From Hatyai: Turn right at Nam Noi turn off, go straight through Tha Kham intersection to the big tree in the middle of the road at Ban Sai Khao. Continue straight for 700m and turn right before the arch, then go along the track for 1.6km to the run site.
Finally, HH3's run this Sunday (June 19th, 4:something) is from down Poonakan way: From Songkhla take the old Hatyai road for 4.7k and turn left then go 8k and turn right at Wat Keow Kloy, then go about 5k. Turn left and look for a sign somewhere before you reach the railway! The hare is Nicheow.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Two pictures are worth two thousand words, but a few more might come in handy

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Comin' riight up!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Not your ordinary beaver

It was nine years ago this month, June 22, 2002 to be exact, that your correspondent celebrated his half-century by buying a parang and laying what, in retrospect, was a pretty crappy run. Its main feature was that it was good and long, taking advantage of the fact that it was the longest day of the year so there would be plenty of daylight for the stragglers.
Within a few years, the Beavershot Birthday Run, as it was originally called, had morphed into the Midsummer Monster, and at least some of them have been fairly monstrous. In fact the one just two years ago in 2009, a four-part epic set by Rotten, Last Lover, and Rickdickulous, still proved itself worthy of the name. It even contributed a new lexical feature to all future maps of Songkhla, the infamous Fat Belly Pass.
But in general our tastes seem to have moderated. Most of us no longer seek out prolonged pain and suffering (though we still sometimes get it, like a couple months ago on Khao Luang), and most recent Monsters have been pretty mild. You know, like the year we were invited to “feel the monster inside” Egghead’s underpants. Ewww!
So with the return of the mantle to Beavershot this year, what will it be? A delightful easy romp over hill and vale, or a miserable endless slog through the worst the big Hatyai hill can offer?
We’re not talking. But we can reveal that this year’s event will take place on Saturday, June 25th, and will start from a rather unique runsite located at N07 01.713' E100 32.084'. No doubt our resident master of misdirection can and will give you more descriptive instructions when the time comes. All you need to know for now is that our theme is “In Search of the Wild Beaver: Exploring the Tall Pines and Deep Canyons”. Tired of the same old tame, domesticated beaver? Come take a run on the wild side!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Danish Vegemite outrage

"C'mon, let's face it: Vegemite is a yeast infection in a jar. Remember, it started out as an unwanted by-product from the brewing industry. Like street violence and vomit. Still, the main reason that the Danes banned it is probably because it claims to be vitamin-fortified, which the Danes don't need because everybody know that the Danes fortify their bodies with the blood of Saxon children."
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Dyslexia lures OK?