Sunday, July 12, 2015


Snapper, down briefly from Bangkok. Smeghead, now bionically improved, also made the scene but was evidently moving too fast to be captured by Hash Flash.

Returning for the first time in months, a newly fit Eightball (left). He admitted to running "in private".
And a truck full of vermin from the Temporary/Cock household.
Garmin Connect tells us all about yesterday's run. Egghead remains curiously hostile to this remarkable technology.


  1. Hi, i wonder if the guy in blue t-shirt name "Snapper" are "Kun Don?" If hes is... i am knowing him in Thailand for 30 year ago In Songkla Before he got married, My name is "Toa" my real name is Kanjana, I wish to apologize for what i did to him 30 year a go... please if you ever meet him, tell him my name ( and i living in Norway like now) and tell him to" please forgive me"...with best regards

    Kanjana (Toa)

  2. It is very important for him to know.... Can't believe i saw hes photo after 30 year...

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