Good likeness huh? The distinguished receding hairline, the leery grin, the crazed bloodshot eyes, the buck teeth... Oh no that's the beaver!
But Beaver has been out scouting and a run which promises to appeal to the sensibilities of the running elite (who are they? Shouldn't they be handicapped in some way?) is promised. Details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers run #1572, Saturday July 23rd, 4:30 p.m.
Hare: Beavershot
Misdirections: From the Ko Yo intersection take the Old Hatyai road for 4.7k. Turn left for 8k then right at Wat Keow Kloy for 1.2k, then turn left and go 500m to the run site near the sala on the left.
Sunday's (July 24th, 4:30 p.m.) HH3 run is another Punnakan adventure, but is rather further from Wat Keow Kloy - about 8k further, in the vicinity of Gam Ling Reservoir. Follow the same misdirections as for Saturday, keep going down Punnakan and look for the sign on the left somewhere around the abattoir, before the Conference Center. The hare is Nicheow and there are rumors that there may be some kind of an on-on after chez Toyboy - but it's only a rumor at this stage.
Finally, don't forget that this is the last week before the outstation run at Wan Wen Resort in Satun, so if you haven't already booked, speak to Only a Yolk this weekend. Members are 400 Baht, guests are 1000 Baht, which includes accommodation in discretely companionable (i.e. you may have to share with someone else!) chalets, food, all the beer you could possibly want to drink, a run on Saturday and Kayaking on Sunday morning, with some raucous and distasteful entertainment planned for Saturday evening. A number of people are already planning a pre-binge warm-up on Friday for which accommodation etc. will be extra but not too much!) and directions to the resort will be distributed at this weekend's runs.