1. SH3 can't get it up any more.
Like the aging bunch of geezers that we are fast becoming, SH3 failed to hold an erection on Saturday and this little graphic which appeared enigmatically on Friday proved to be prophetic as the organisational end of the committee failed miserably to get its act together and convene what should have been a fairly ritual re-election of all those willing and able to stand. The excuse is that there was a collective senior moment about whether erections should precede or follow running, with the result that the run prematurely ejaculated, so to speak, departing from the runsite almost 10 minutes before the advertised starting time of 4:30, leaving the hare stranded down the old Yala road and being forced to short-cut his own run in order to nanny the pack along the trail.
2. Just how long should a short run be?
With the ranks of the walkers swelled by two of the geezers sporting flesh wounds as well as Sperminator and Quack Whacker, and with newly unre-elected GM, R2D2 looking positively sprightly, the hare's decision to set a 6k short run proved wise. So as the long runners, with Beavershot as the only genuine Geezer among them, headed up the hill (in red from 360 1) , the short run began a complete and largely flat circumnavigation of Khao Lam (in blue from 360 1 to 360 4, then in red), managing to get almost half way round before becoming confused at the final check and shortly thereafter being caught by the male part of the pack, the female part having been bullied by the hare into taking a short cut at the third F to ensure that they got home first thus ensuring that the rest of us were greeted by steaming plates of Som Tam. Meanwhile, Stick Insect, who had thus far been the inspiration of the short run, discovered that his flesh wound was not as bad as he had thought and was magically transformed into a long runner, leaving the rest of the short pack to get back to the run site in about and hour and three quarters.
But the long run really was only about 6.5k...
3. And how long does a long run have to be?

...whereas Sunday's HH3 run was the thick end of 8k and went up to 288 meters, although the hare thoughtfully didn't make the pack go right to the top of Khao Si Chai. As reported below, the run was notable for the absence of dogs, and Beaver/Sex Focus was again the lone geezer in the pack with Big Foot/Gan Yao off on another of his lone runs, hare, Kai Jeow exhausted and asleep in the back of the egg-mobile and the rest of the sick lame and lazy finding other things to occupy themselves with. As also commented on below, the circle was rather unnervingly observed by a cleverly disguised agent of the Islamic Republic of Sai Kao, who as Beaver noted seemed to be one brick short of a full load. No doubt our doings are being carefully subjected to scrutiny this morning, the likely conclusion being that we are a bunch of dangerous and irreverant old farts and scantily clad women with big bums whose main crime is that we enjoy ourselves!
Next week both runs will be out Hatyai way, with Beaver and Sex Printer/Toy Boy promising to make it a memorable weekend of running and the ever present possibility that those whose job it is to organize our doings at SH3 might get off their flesh wounds and ... well organize things.