Run # 1480 recalled:The day we got our own back on Knob Gobling and Yardo got his own back on all of us.As has been pointed out before in this organette, we have been making a habit of losing people recently, and after Yardstick went AWOL on the latest pussy run (see
Run 1479: The Revenge of the Pussies ibid) there was a certain justice in his managing to return the favor the following week. There was however some irony in the identity of his victim, given that Knob Gobling in his Off T guise at HH3 has been responsible for some of the most aberrant haring known to hashkind and was not long ago guilty of sending us all off on a 14k marathon from which the ever reliable Gan Yao took the short-cut to hell.
But we can’t say we weren’t warned. Figures as high as 12k had been bandied about by Yardo before the run and given that his last lay resulted in an almost 2 hour run, no one was under any illusions as to what was in store. This didn’t seem to stop anyone except Only a Yolk however and the low number of runners owed more to the HH3 outing to Isaan which left us with only 9 starters (Solong, Stick Insect, Bravefart, Rotten Johnny, Safe Sex, Egghead, Beavershot, Softcock and Knob Gobling) plus various canines, and the hare.
The GM had sensibly decreed that this would be the week when we would switch to starting at 4:00 p.m., but as the hour approached and passed only a handful of runners had assembled partly because of a lack of signage which resulted in the beer truck taking the wrong road and ending up lost not far from where Knob Gobling would later come to a halt. So it was pretty much 4:30 by the time we set off. This in itself was not a disaster but the early part of the run was fairly vertical and Knob Gobling pretty quickly lost touch not only with the pack but with the sweeping hare, and without his normal protector Only a Yolk (who had opted for the short run) to shepherd him along he fell further and further behind.
The main run, meanwhile skirted the three big peaks and headed eastwards along the ridge above Ban Sai Kao, then turned back Westwards into previously lightly run territory. At this stage everyone was enjoying the experience and it was still relatively early when we plunged down a logging track and found ourselves a cool 4k from the run site with what little sun there was busily setting behind the clouds ahead of us. Matters were not aided by the fact that almost all of the route home was through mature rubber so that as the gloom descended, it became increasingly difficult to see the paper and to avoid the lumps and bumps in the trails or what passed for them as we followed a beeline for home over whatever happened to be in the way. But with the front of the pack detached and a few minutes ahead, Yardo carefully guided what he thought were the last few stragglers to within sight of the welcoming light from Only a Yolk’s handlight as she worriedly scanned the in-trail for signs of her returning menfolk.
Knob Gobling meanwhile was struggling along a couple of kilometers back unable to see the paper by what little light remained. But happily for him he had taken the precaution of carrying his hand-phone with him which though not proving much good as a torch, enabled brother Solong to contact him as soon as it was realized that he was missing, and Solong, Safe Sex and for unexplained reasons, Egghead set off in search, eventually successfully locating him a bit more than a klick away and guiding him safely home, just in time to see hare, Yardstick and assistant, Tutti Fruity liberally iced and watered for another classic midsummer monster run which somehow seemed to have got misplaced into October.
The ice list records that Pla Ra Zub who can probably now be safely referred to by her legitimately come-by hash name of Prik Farang, returned and also departed back to her native Canada, and Brave Fart also returned but probably wondered why he had! It also confirms that Rudy will forever glory in the name of Rudy the Red Nosed Poko Porker and that Mummy Poko got a T-Shirt for her 400th run, and that Yardo and Stick Insect were sinners, although their respective crimes are not mentioned. We departed well after seven, dousing our camp-fires but leaving a pile of debris around the run site which later had to be removed in time for the run-site to be used for the HH3/Union Hash joint run the following week. But then that’s a different hash and a different story which you probably don’t want to hear.
You do? Oh, OK then; if you insist. Here are the two runs from the same run site, SH3 run #1480 (long run in dark blue, short run in light blue) and HH3’s run # 459 (red) the following weekend.

For the record Yardo’s run was measured at 10.1k while the HH3 run was much shorter at 9.35k. No one got lost on the HH3 run although both Toy Boy and Vaseline (Buk Toy and KY) made good efforts. Off T, chastened by his experience of the previous weekend, turned his nose up at the short-cut option half way through and did the whole run getting home well before dark and Beaver aka Sex Focus was persuaded not to take the early run home and pulled a hamstring rendering him
hors de combat for the full moon run. But then that really is a different story!
On! On!