Sunday, July 29, 2018
HH3 today
Today's HH3 runsite is near the football field at Kuanjong. From Poonakan Rd take the Ban Nai Lai road (from Wat Keow Kloy, 7.5 k on the left, from the junction with Kanjanawanit road, 3.5k on the right) for 3.4k and turn left for 100 meters to the runsite at 6.974846° 100.520865°. The hare is Sex Au Au.
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Total eclipse of the hash
The next full moon hash run will take place tomorrow evening to coincide with the total lunar eclipse which will happen in the early hours of Saturday morning, so there will be a camp-out after the run. That will then be followed in a slightly different location by the SH3 run, assuming that the hare can stay awake long enough to set it!
Details are:
Hatyai Full Moon Hash House Harriers' run # 142, Friday, July 27, 2016. 7:00 p.m.
Hare: Sex Star
Misdirections: From The Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4.7k and turn left for 8k then right at Wat Keow Kloy into Poonakan for about 5.8k and turn right. (From the PSU end of Poonakan, the turning is 5.2 k on the left). Follow the road to the right at a T junction after 300m, then swing left past Rong Rien Tungnai for a total of 700m. Then leave the road into the rubber on the track to the left and follow it to the run site at 7.011608° 100.532303°.
The usual full moon stuff mostly applies although there will be no beer on sale (except at the 7-11 down the road!) . There will be a modest amount of sponsored beer, but the suggestion is to bring what you think you will drink as that way there will probably be enough beer to accommodate what you actually drink! Food is also on a contributory basis so please try not to come empty handed. If you are going to camp at the run site then a tent and sleeping bag are advisable and if you are old and have a bad back then an air mattress would help! And don't forget to bring a hand light if you intend to do the run
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run #1934
Hares:Egghead and Harram
Misdirections: From The Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4.7k and turn left for 8k then right at Wat Keow Kloy into Poonakan for 1.2k and turn laft for 500m to the run site on the left at 7.018995° 100.568821°. From the PSU end of Poonakan the turning is 9.8k on the right. Usual SH3 stuff applies, i.e. please come along and support the hares who by the time the run takes place will have been sporadically involved in laying the run for about 30 hours, one way or another!
Finally, HH3's details will have to be added later as they haven't been announced yet but the run should feature a visit from SH3's Whoremonger and Low Call Girl who will be in town to talk about the 9-11 train rumble run (and no jokes about disasters please!)
Details are:
Hatyai Full Moon Hash House Harriers' run # 142, Friday, July 27, 2016. 7:00 p.m.
Hare: Sex Star
Misdirections: From The Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4.7k and turn left for 8k then right at Wat Keow Kloy into Poonakan for about 5.8k and turn right. (From the PSU end of Poonakan, the turning is 5.2 k on the left). Follow the road to the right at a T junction after 300m, then swing left past Rong Rien Tungnai for a total of 700m. Then leave the road into the rubber on the track to the left and follow it to the run site at 7.011608° 100.532303°.
The usual full moon stuff mostly applies although there will be no beer on sale (except at the 7-11 down the road!) . There will be a modest amount of sponsored beer, but the suggestion is to bring what you think you will drink as that way there will probably be enough beer to accommodate what you actually drink! Food is also on a contributory basis so please try not to come empty handed. If you are going to camp at the run site then a tent and sleeping bag are advisable and if you are old and have a bad back then an air mattress would help! And don't forget to bring a hand light if you intend to do the run
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run #1934
Hares:Egghead and Harram
Misdirections: From The Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4.7k and turn left for 8k then right at Wat Keow Kloy into Poonakan for 1.2k and turn laft for 500m to the run site on the left at 7.018995° 100.568821°. From the PSU end of Poonakan the turning is 9.8k on the right. Usual SH3 stuff applies, i.e. please come along and support the hares who by the time the run takes place will have been sporadically involved in laying the run for about 30 hours, one way or another!
Finally, HH3's details will have to be added later as they haven't been announced yet but the run should feature a visit from SH3's Whoremonger and Low Call Girl who will be in town to talk about the 9-11 train rumble run (and no jokes about disasters please!)
Sunday, July 22, 2018
The short long run was just 6.4kms, including the 4 false trails, which were 300 sticky feet long, or in human terms, just under 100m long. The even shorter, short run was even shorter at 3.1kms long, although it did include the only "real" hill on the run. Overall though the long run ascended 247m while the short run had a total of 133m ascent.
Friday, July 20, 2018
Oscars Bar 4th anniversary party
Party! Party! Party! Tonight (Friday July 20) starting at 6:00 p.m., Oscars Bar 4th anniversary party. Free food, draft Chang with special prices on jugs! Wear yellow and green if you're in the mood!
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
1300th birthday run!
No, don't worry, you haven't been asleep for 1200 years, nor has Sex Sprinter been over-optimistically printing T shirts again, but Saturday's SH3 run is a birthday run and it is also a 1300th run, though the two people who are celebrating these happy occasions are not the same. The birthday boy is Yardstick who is also one of the hares and the 1300th run is that of Stick Insect who may or may not actually be fit enough to run it although he will definitely be in attendance.
Details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run #1933, Saturday, July 21st 2018, 4:30 p.m.
Hares: Yardstick and All Black.
Misdirections (per the hare) If coming from Songkhla, proceed to the traffic lights at Ang Thong (NYR / OYR intersection). From the traffic lights proceed south on the Old Yala Road (OYR) for 8.3kms then turn right. (19.1kms from Samrong Junction).
Details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run #1933, Saturday, July 21st 2018, 4:30 p.m.
Hares: Yardstick and All Black.
Misdirections (per the hare) If coming from Songkhla, proceed to the traffic lights at Ang Thong (NYR / OYR intersection). From the traffic lights proceed south on the Old Yala Road (OYR) for 8.3kms then turn right. (19.1kms from Samrong Junction).
Note: New concrete culverts have been built alongside the OYR near the turnoff, and it can be difficult to discern which road to take. In the photo a motorbike is exiting the road you need to take. If traffic is heavy on OYR it would be more prudent to do a “U” turn past the mosque and come back and find the correct turnoff.
From OYR, proceed 2.7kms along the concrete road through the village following hash signs, then turn right and proceed for 500m to the runsite. (7° 00.627'N 100° 38.582'E)
If coming from Hatyai, proceed along the New Chana Road for 20.6kms from the overpass on the Sadao road, or 7.8kms from the Phichit Road junction. Turn left at the Hash sign for 2.8kms along the concrete road, then turn left and proceed for 500m to the runsite.
Note: From Hatyai it would be a better option to take the Chana Road, either via the Khlong Wa intersection (overpass), or Ban Phichit, and avoid going through Chanong village.
Sunday's HH3 run is being set by Sex Kapook and his mates who set the run 3 weeks ago which resulted in your humble scribe cracking his ribs. But we'll forgive them (as they weren't responsible anyway!) and let them have another go. At the time of writing the run site has not been announced so will be added later.
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
I stumbled across this on an old hard disk drive, I wrote it years ago for a hash mag in KL. The Blog seems a little short of contributions these days so perhaps this will be of interest:
Revelation in Java! The first step of a lifelong
It was 1985 in Jakarta. My company had been asked if we would sponsor a ‘hash run’, Jakarta Hash House Harriettes. I had no idea what a hash was, but the man who asked me was fairly senior in a large oil company so it seemed wise to say “yes, we’d be delighted, who should I make the cheque out to?” (You can see why I’m so popular with all those friendly Nigerian guys who are always sending me offers of millions of dollars if I’ll just send them my bank account details!)
To my consternation, they requested that I turn up at the run site, in shorts and running shoes, so I had to buy some quickly. Wednesday arrived all too soon; couldn’t I pass on the run? No, it’s expected that the sponsor be there. I had a driver in those days, well, it was really more like a UN aid programme, ‘cause he didn’t know his way round Jakarta and got confused by the number of pedals in the car, so quite often I drove and he sat in the back, I was young then, it didn’t matter! I arrived at the run site a little bit late as one does in Jakarta, well, as this one does anywhere. Just follow the paper they said and so I did.
Trailing well behind the pack, I found myself in a Kampung, brushed dirt tracks, the vague smell of burning wood tickling your nose that is always present and hundreds of small Indonesian children, wearing their national dress of dirty T shirt, torn jeans and flip flops. They run alongside you all the while calling ‘hello mister!’ or the more linguistically inclined could also manage ‘good morning’ even though the run started at 17:00.
The paper had disappeared! At the foot of a steep hill the paper was no more, I was without, lost in that vast, atmospheric Javan landscape with only 15 words of bahasa. However, my new found friends, the gang of kampung urchins proved that they really loved their foreign visitors and pointed out the way. Half way up the hill I glanced down and saw them all, howling with laughter as they pointed at the dumb orang putih, I also saw a large group of assorted bules and Indonesian runners about 500 meters away, on the flat, going in the opposite direction. Thanking my juvenile benefactors profusely as I stumbled down the incline and wishing I knew the bahasa for ‘I’ll kill you, you little shits’ I was back on paper.
I wasn’t an athlete, never had been, loved soccer and rugby, but had no talent and I arrived back at the run site late and exhausted, the circle was under way and what a circle it was, a mixture of comedy, singing, drinking. I really felt I had discovered something special and I was hooked. I transferred to Singapore a year later when oil crashed to US$ 10/barrel. There I ran with Lion City Hash and then to KL where Petaling Hash became the destination of choice on a Saturday afternoon.
But why was the hash so special? For me the hash was unique because it was lawless and attracted people from all walks of life. I’m a non athlete, with a lung capacity about 2/3rds the size it should be due to chronic asthma, the hash encouraged everybody of any capability to turn up and do whatever you could and not just as regards running, people really made an effort to entertain, songs, stories, jokes, runs with a theme. If it was Australia day, what to do? Take the piss out of the Australians, St George’s day? Invite the British ambassador to the run site, he came and made us proud with a great humorous speech. Though I do remember the look on his face as the Jakarta Hash master thanked him in a broad Aussie accent and added, “I’m surprised you turned up mate, we thought you’d be far too full of yourself to come out here in the mud with the boys”
Jakarta men’s hash on a Monday evening, probably the best circles I’ve ever been to with the most outrageous collection of characters imaginable.
Following the trail (oh, yes, I used to do that!) one Monday evening I came across the defence attaché from the British embassy, he asked if I was the last runner, I answer in the affirmative and he
It was 1985 in Jakarta. My company had been asked if we would sponsor a ‘hash run’, Jakarta Hash House Harriettes. I had no idea what a hash was, but the man who asked me was fairly senior in a large oil company so it seemed wise to say “yes, we’d be delighted, who should I make the cheque out to?” (You can see why I’m so popular with all those friendly Nigerian guys who are always sending me offers of millions of dollars if I’ll just send them my bank account details!)
To my consternation, they requested that I turn up at the run site, in shorts and running shoes, so I had to buy some quickly. Wednesday arrived all too soon; couldn’t I pass on the run? No, it’s expected that the sponsor be there. I had a driver in those days, well, it was really more like a UN aid programme, ‘cause he didn’t know his way round Jakarta and got confused by the number of pedals in the car, so quite often I drove and he sat in the back, I was young then, it didn’t matter! I arrived at the run site a little bit late as one does in Jakarta, well, as this one does anywhere. Just follow the paper they said and so I did.
Trailing well behind the pack, I found myself in a Kampung, brushed dirt tracks, the vague smell of burning wood tickling your nose that is always present and hundreds of small Indonesian children, wearing their national dress of dirty T shirt, torn jeans and flip flops. They run alongside you all the while calling ‘hello mister!’ or the more linguistically inclined could also manage ‘good morning’ even though the run started at 17:00.
The paper had disappeared! At the foot of a steep hill the paper was no more, I was without, lost in that vast, atmospheric Javan landscape with only 15 words of bahasa. However, my new found friends, the gang of kampung urchins proved that they really loved their foreign visitors and pointed out the way. Half way up the hill I glanced down and saw them all, howling with laughter as they pointed at the dumb orang putih, I also saw a large group of assorted bules and Indonesian runners about 500 meters away, on the flat, going in the opposite direction. Thanking my juvenile benefactors profusely as I stumbled down the incline and wishing I knew the bahasa for ‘I’ll kill you, you little shits’ I was back on paper.
I wasn’t an athlete, never had been, loved soccer and rugby, but had no talent and I arrived back at the run site late and exhausted, the circle was under way and what a circle it was, a mixture of comedy, singing, drinking. I really felt I had discovered something special and I was hooked. I transferred to Singapore a year later when oil crashed to US$ 10/barrel. There I ran with Lion City Hash and then to KL where Petaling Hash became the destination of choice on a Saturday afternoon.
But why was the hash so special? For me the hash was unique because it was lawless and attracted people from all walks of life. I’m a non athlete, with a lung capacity about 2/3rds the size it should be due to chronic asthma, the hash encouraged everybody of any capability to turn up and do whatever you could and not just as regards running, people really made an effort to entertain, songs, stories, jokes, runs with a theme. If it was Australia day, what to do? Take the piss out of the Australians, St George’s day? Invite the British ambassador to the run site, he came and made us proud with a great humorous speech. Though I do remember the look on his face as the Jakarta Hash master thanked him in a broad Aussie accent and added, “I’m surprised you turned up mate, we thought you’d be far too full of yourself to come out here in the mud with the boys”
Jakarta men’s hash on a Monday evening, probably the best circles I’ve ever been to with the most outrageous collection of characters imaginable.
Following the trail (oh, yes, I used to do that!) one Monday evening I came across the defence attaché from the British embassy, he asked if I was the last runner, I answer in the affirmative and he
picking up the paper, I asked him why and he looked around and whispered ‘it’s
the hares, they work at the Soviet embassy, I need to see what they are up to’
the paper was squares and covered in cyrillics and that is probably the best
excuse for telling the wife why you will be late home tonight that I’ve heard!
(‘My dear, I have to go and drink Bir Bintang, run in the ulu and put up with
the most dreadfully boring group of people, it’s so tedious but I do it for the
Queen, I’ll be back on Wednesday’)
The run by the safari park near Bogor is enscribed forever: one runner scrambled under a wire fence and disappeared round some bushes, returning a moment later, white as a sheet, ‘I’ve seen a rhinoceros’ he said, ‘rubbish’ was the answer as the rest of the hashers wriggled under the fence, until the beast, not a Sumatran rhino, but a full grown African rhino appeared round the bushes, snorting loudly, perhaps the regulations concerning fencing around safari parks needed examining.
But perhaps nothing will ever eclipse the story of the Scottish Ambassador, a well known Petaling hasher, who went from the run, to the On On at a restaurant and on to the Triple On at a pub in Bangsar, KL. Early in the morning he loaded up his land cruiser with inebriated hashers and headed home, going the wrong way down a one way street. At the end of the street was a police drink driving unit. A Malay sergeant stepped up to our hero’s window and said ‘have you had any alcoholic drinks sir’ receiving the reply of ‘ only a few officer, I could do with another if you have one’
The friendly sergeant invited him to step out of his car and take a breath test. Our hero said ‘no problem officer, but there is one thing, I have diplomatic immunity, I’m the Scottish ambassador’
The sergeant walked to the front of the Land cruiser, looked at the plates and got serious ‘you don’t have CD plates sir, get out of the car’. Motioning for the policeman to come closer our ambassador asked him if he had a family? ‘Yes I do’ said the officer. ‘Then you’ll know what its’ like, there’s a reception tonight at the Venezuelan Embassy, my wife has taken the Mercedes and driver and I’m left with the land cruiser’
The sergeant stepped back, saluted smartly and said ‘Goodnight sir, I suggest you go straight home’ and it was rumoured they heard ‘to Scotland’ muttered under his breath! That’s a true story.
On On Gan Yao
The run by the safari park near Bogor is enscribed forever: one runner scrambled under a wire fence and disappeared round some bushes, returning a moment later, white as a sheet, ‘I’ve seen a rhinoceros’ he said, ‘rubbish’ was the answer as the rest of the hashers wriggled under the fence, until the beast, not a Sumatran rhino, but a full grown African rhino appeared round the bushes, snorting loudly, perhaps the regulations concerning fencing around safari parks needed examining.
But perhaps nothing will ever eclipse the story of the Scottish Ambassador, a well known Petaling hasher, who went from the run, to the On On at a restaurant and on to the Triple On at a pub in Bangsar, KL. Early in the morning he loaded up his land cruiser with inebriated hashers and headed home, going the wrong way down a one way street. At the end of the street was a police drink driving unit. A Malay sergeant stepped up to our hero’s window and said ‘have you had any alcoholic drinks sir’ receiving the reply of ‘ only a few officer, I could do with another if you have one’
The friendly sergeant invited him to step out of his car and take a breath test. Our hero said ‘no problem officer, but there is one thing, I have diplomatic immunity, I’m the Scottish ambassador’
The sergeant walked to the front of the Land cruiser, looked at the plates and got serious ‘you don’t have CD plates sir, get out of the car’. Motioning for the policeman to come closer our ambassador asked him if he had a family? ‘Yes I do’ said the officer. ‘Then you’ll know what its’ like, there’s a reception tonight at the Venezuelan Embassy, my wife has taken the Mercedes and driver and I’m left with the land cruiser’
The sergeant stepped back, saluted smartly and said ‘Goodnight sir, I suggest you go straight home’ and it was rumoured they heard ‘to Scotland’ muttered under his breath! That’s a true story.
On On Gan Yao
Friday, July 13, 2018
Ton up!
Saturday's SH3 run will be Buk Toy's 100th lay - only the third human hare to reach that milestone The run site is on the unused bit of the new Yala road above Napong and he will be accompanied by Chao Ngor, with Sex Sprinter also probably in the mix somewhere.
Details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run #1932, Saturday July 14th 2018, 4:30 p.m.
Hares: Buk Toy, Chao Ngor and Sex Sprinter
Misdirections: From the Ko Yo intersection take the new Yala road for 6.5k and cross the carriageway onto the unused section of road then follow it for 500m to the run site at the top of the hill (7.086898° N 100.610967°E). From Hatyai the suggested route is to take the old Hatyai road to the Kuan Hin traffic lights then turn right and go 4k, then follow the road straight ahead (i.e. left, as the road bends right). Go 1k then follow the hard top road left at the 4-way intersection for 500m and at the junction with the NYR, turn right along the hard shoulder onto the unused section.
Sunday's HH3 run is out of Robocop and is at 6.992380° N100.527250° E which is about 1.5k from Poonakan along the Ban Nai Lai road, on the left (the BNR turning is 7.5 k down Poonakan from Wat Keow Kloy on the left or 3.5k up from the intersection with Kanjanawanit Road on the right). Map below.
Details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run #1932, Saturday July 14th 2018, 4:30 p.m.
Hares: Buk Toy, Chao Ngor and Sex Sprinter
Misdirections: From the Ko Yo intersection take the new Yala road for 6.5k and cross the carriageway onto the unused section of road then follow it for 500m to the run site at the top of the hill (7.086898° N 100.610967°E). From Hatyai the suggested route is to take the old Hatyai road to the Kuan Hin traffic lights then turn right and go 4k, then follow the road straight ahead (i.e. left, as the road bends right). Go 1k then follow the hard top road left at the 4-way intersection for 500m and at the junction with the NYR, turn right along the hard shoulder onto the unused section.
Sunday's HH3 run is out of Robocop and is at 6.992380° N100.527250° E which is about 1.5k from Poonakan along the Ban Nai Lai road, on the left (the BNR turning is 7.5 k down Poonakan from Wat Keow Kloy on the left or 3.5k up from the intersection with Kanjanawanit Road on the right). Map below.
Sunday, July 8, 2018
Free the birds - Run 1931 Rehash
Due to public demand here is a picture of budgie
smugglers, the apparel not the man, as modelled by past Australian PM Tony
Abbot, ...and not nearly as impressive as our own Budgie Smuggler of course. Anyway
thanks to Budgie Smuggler and a really impressive turnout by the Hatyai
contingent, we had a relatively large attendance at the Songkhla Hash run
yesterday, giving us further impetus to keep SH3 going, even if the farang
contingent was rather tiny. If we can get even half as many farangs as we had
Thais yesterday, at future runs, we may even make our next big goal, Run 2000
towards the end of next year. Of course having a few more people volunteering
as hares, rather than the usual 2 or 3 will make this goal even easier to
achieve. So come on let’s see some different hares for a change, and maybe even
some “fun runs”.
The run stats for yesterday were just under 6.0km (was that all? ..and that included all the false trails!) for the long run and just over 250m in total ascent. The short run was 4.2km with 150m ascent, although few if anyone completed the whole of the short run, possibly apart from Super Pig & Ruu Kap Jang, & our GM of course.
The run stats for yesterday were just under 6.0km (was that all? ..and that included all the false trails!) for the long run and just over 250m in total ascent. The short run was 4.2km with 150m ascent, although few if anyone completed the whole of the short run, possibly apart from Super Pig & Ruu Kap Jang, & our GM of course.
Friday, July 6, 2018

Ah, rubber! Doesn't it make you want to pull on a pair of shorts and some running shoes and leave your inhibitions at the run site?
Good news, tomorrow's run will feature plenty of this and lot's more as well. So please come along and make the hare's efforts worthwhile.
Details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run # 1931, Saturday, July 7th, 2018, 4:30 p.m.
Hare: Yardstick
Misdirections: From the Khao Seng intersection take the Old Yala Road for 16km (5.3km from the NYR / OYR intersection at Ang Thong) and turn right just before Wat Kuhn Thong. Proceed along the concrete & bitumen road for 2.7km, turn left and go 1.8km (bearing right) to the runsite amongst the rubber trees.
Runsite co-ordinates are: N 07° 01.58' E 100° 38.06'.
For Hatyai visitors go to the big tree in the middle of the road at Ban Sai Khao, then go straight ahead, past the big tree, for 760m and turn right for 1.8km.
Sunday's HH3 runsite is as per the map below. From the Tha Kham Intersection go South for 1km and turn left (or from Wat Keow Kloy go North for 1km and turn right) follow the road for about 800m to the run site on the right. Sex Printer is the hare.

Sunday, July 1, 2018
A change of runsite to the runsite that it changed from in the first place
Today's HH3 runsite has now moved back to its original location (7.011608° 100.532303°) as whatever impediments to vehicles getting there have now been repaired by the owner (Pii Lak). So as you were: From The Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4.7k and turn left for 8k then right at Wat Keow Kloy into Poonakan for about 5.8k and turn right. Follow the road to the right at a T junction after 300m, then swing left past Rong Rien Tungnai for a total of 700m. Then leave the road into the rubber on the track to the left and follow it to the run site.
Today's HH3 run site has been changed as shown below:
Misdirections now read: From The Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4.7k and turn left for 8k then right at Wat Keow Kloy into Poonakan for about 5.8k and turn right. Follow the road to the right at a T junction after 300m, then swing left past Rong Rien Tungnai for a total of 700m to the run site on the left. Coordinates are: 7.008591° 100.534747°
Missed it!
...which is what most people did to run 1930. So after the heady masses of last weekend (60 hounds v 1 hare) it was back to Egghead and Harram v the hardcore (19 people, most of whom claimed anthropoid ancestors somewhere in their evolution).
For once more people opted for the long run while the short run was mostly made up of canines who arrived at the beer stop in two waves with their human minders within about 35 minutes of the off. The long run weren't far behind with Sex Sprinter, who may have been economical with his trail etiquette (ok, he short-cut, as usual), arriving in 47 minutes, with All Black and Lot Rakaa last to arrive but only 5 minutes or so later. Everyone, including the doggy tendency then set off for the final kilometer back to the runsite, including Harram who initially decided to opt for a ride back to the run site but then realized her duty and set off to herd her conspecifics and the ape-descendants over the hill.
For the record, the long run 'all in' was 7.1k and All Black who avoided the F's measured it at 6.26k. The short run was about 3.5k and both runs got up to a high point of 90m or so just before the last F. Notable in returning was Crackwurst after an 8 month absence and Stick Insect after his week off last weekend. Gan Yao praised the hares for managing not to sully his run with paper, and was last home having avoided the beer stop again.
For once more people opted for the long run while the short run was mostly made up of canines who arrived at the beer stop in two waves with their human minders within about 35 minutes of the off. The long run weren't far behind with Sex Sprinter, who may have been economical with his trail etiquette (ok, he short-cut, as usual), arriving in 47 minutes, with All Black and Lot Rakaa last to arrive but only 5 minutes or so later. Everyone, including the doggy tendency then set off for the final kilometer back to the runsite, including Harram who initially decided to opt for a ride back to the run site but then realized her duty and set off to herd her conspecifics and the ape-descendants over the hill.
For the record, the long run 'all in' was 7.1k and All Black who avoided the F's measured it at 6.26k. The short run was about 3.5k and both runs got up to a high point of 90m or so just before the last F. Notable in returning was Crackwurst after an 8 month absence and Stick Insect after his week off last weekend. Gan Yao praised the hares for managing not to sully his run with paper, and was last home having avoided the beer stop again.
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