Monday, October 2, 2017

The GM's of course.....

For All Black’s 30th birthday on the 30th September we thought of setting a 30km run, but due to the limited space on the hill we decide to set an easy 3km run instead, to take pity on what we knew would be a severely hung over birthday girl.
What the hell we thought, we’re not a sensitive caring hash, and after all she is our whip carrying GM, so it was a 4.8km short run and a 7.2km long run that we ended up with. The short run had a total ascent of 172m and an overall descent of 264m; while the long run had 262m of ascent and 368m descent.
Thanks to our HH3 friends we had a reasonable turnout for the run, although due to the rather late return to the runsite, the HH3 contingent had to leave before the circle. Most of the remaining runners adjourned to Tung Jaeng soon after the circle to continue festivities; eating and drinking (Brandy) compliments of All Black and a case of big Leo’s compliments of Egghead. But it was left up to the birthday lady to continue celebrations in town late into the night, and another hangover? for the Sunday run.


  1. Sounds fun! But I have a question, addressed to those with a larger brain capacity than I:

    I read that: "The short run had a total ascent of 172m and an overall descent of 264m;"

    My question would be, if they went up 172m and came down 264m, they must be still out there, 92m below the runsite?

    Now, this cannot be, as you would have noticed the absence of 10 or so short runners, so I suspect my thought processes are at fault. Please lighten my darkness, release me from this purgatory and tell me where I have gone wrong? (just about this matter, the rest would take a forest's worth of paper) On On Gan Yao

    1. Umm, short of some rippling in the space-time continuum around about the Songkhla region... an A to B run perchance? :p

  2. We need Brainiac back,

  3. Now you want Brainiac back? You should have thought of that before someone compared him to Wikipedia and pissed him off for good!
