Saturday, March 18, 2017

All Black joins The Online Scum team

All Black, seen here with Mrs. Robocop on an HH3 outstation run last year.
Welcome to our newest contributor, GM All Black. Now that she has official "Author" status she is free to post any rants, raves, photos, videos, or anything else on this website. We eagerly await her first contribution.

Sound like a dream come true? Well you too can be part of this exciting cyber-organ. Just contact Beavershot (via the Astral Plane) and request author privileges. Within minutes you will have your own voice on the hashing world's liveliest blog!

Here is a complete list of all authors at present: Yardstick, Gan Yao, Stick Insect, Short Screw, R2D2, Smeghead, Polepolisher, and Rotten Johnny. OK, so some of them haven't posted anything yet but we're not giving up hope. And of course Egghead and Beavershot, though we are both "Administrators", which means we can annoy one another by editing/deleting each other's posts.


  1. What about me? Can't I post?

  2. Not until you come out of the shadows.

  3. ....says our shadowy Chief Administrator, who has no fixed address, no phone number, no email address!! He does have an Astral plane though, which he flies to all parts of the planet at the drop of a hat.

  4. Hey, I post as well. hang I the same person?!!!

  5. Any silly sausage can post to Blogger, but not every numptie can start a thread. :P

  6. Hi, I'm down as being an author, I do have some old photos of the circle that I would like to publish. I can do these as a comment, but then many people probably woyuldnt see them. Can I actually post as a new topic? I tried but was asked for a password, which I dont have (or its quite possible I have forgotten it) Gan yao

  7. If no 'forgot password' bit on sign-in, perhaps request new password to email from that dodgy dude masquerading as admin. :-)

  8. dodgy dude masquerading as admin. :-) .... can I get a password please? Gan Yao

  9. Well I believe all authors put in their own passwords when they first sign on. Gan Yao, I have you down for two different email addresses (offshorecabins and westernwelltools). Each should have its own associated password that you originally gave it. And if you can't remember it there should be a "Forgot password?" box where you can reset it.

    If all that fails, I'll delete your two accounts and set up a new one for you at the email address of your choice.

  10. Thanks for the help Beaver, one ID has long gone and the other seems to be beyond my memory, so I changed the password.

    Reminds me of the old motto.... 'cum te semper confidere in excremento rodentia'

    On On Gan Yao

  11. Ah, so that's what that means on my family crest!
