Oh gawd, I gotta get up at dawn tomorrow, go out and set a long grueling run in what will probably be pouring rain and then suffer Egghead's passive-aggressive disappointment regarding my failure to show up at tonight's quiz (but really only if the Hash team loses). And all this after having a team of nurses probe my innermost regions with their . . . never mind. Here are a couple shots from last Friday at Conebrain's clubhouse, which no doubt will host a hash run before long. Right?!
Friday, March 31, 2017
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Beaver treatment
Here is an exclusive photograph of Beaver getting his medical this week. Notice that all the doctors are female and that they're all wearing rubber gloves! Mmmmm. Anyway the amiable rodent is now back amongst us or will be in time to set this weeks SH3 run, sketchy details of which are:
Songkhla Hash House Harrier's run #1867, Saturday, 1st April, 2017, 4:30 p.m.
Hare: Beavershot
Misdirections: From the Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4.7k and turn left for 8k, then turn right (at Wat Keow Kloy into Poonakan) and go about 3k to the run site on the left. From Hatyai start at the other end of Poonakan and go 8k. The runsite is on the right
Sunday's HH3 run is being set by that other amiable little rodent, Sex of the Mouse, alias Short Screw and details of the runsite will be added as a comment to this post by his mangoness when he feels like it!
Finally, there will be a quiz night on Friday when the SH3 team will be attempting to make it 3 in a row.The quiz master is Eric le Frog, alias Pubic Beard and it all happens at the Office Bar at about 8:00 p.m.
Songkhla Hash House Harrier's run #1867, Saturday, 1st April, 2017, 4:30 p.m.
Hare: Beavershot
Misdirections: From the Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4.7k and turn left for 8k, then turn right (at Wat Keow Kloy into Poonakan) and go about 3k to the run site on the left. From Hatyai start at the other end of Poonakan and go 8k. The runsite is on the right
Sunday's HH3 run is being set by that other amiable little rodent, Sex of the Mouse, alias Short Screw and details of the runsite will be added as a comment to this post by his mangoness when he feels like it!
Finally, there will be a quiz night on Friday when the SH3 team will be attempting to make it 3 in a row.The quiz master is Eric le Frog, alias Pubic Beard and it all happens at the Office Bar at about 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Run 1866 hilltop stop
The easy stats
are that the long run was 8.5kms (including falsies and check backs), a total
ascent of 340m with a max height of 230m at the beerstop. Beerstop? the hares going
to the ridiculous trouble of carrying the beer box to the top of the hill, well,
with the kind loan of Egghead’s 4-wheel drive, along with the odd 17 or 18
short runners crammed in, looking more like sardines in a tin can (no not your
pickup Eggy). The short runners declined the offer of beers and almost
immediately took off on their downward journey back to the runsite covering about
4.0kms. The long runners meanwhile lingering to consume the alcoholic
refreshments and soaking in the fabulous views from the top of the hill. The
long runners reaching the runsite at about the same time as the
first of the short runners, and the beerstop truck!
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Picture this!

Let's get straight down to serious stuff: this week's SH3 run, details of which are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run #1866, Saturday March 25th 2017, 4:30 p.m.
Hares: Yardstick and All Black
Misdirections: From Songkhla, take the Old Hatyai Road for 4.7km past the Ko Yor intersection, turn left and go 10.6km (i.e. 2.8km past Wat Khao Kloi and about 350m before Wat Noen Phichit). Turn left at the hash sign and staying right, go 3.1km to the runsite (700m beyond the end of the bitumen).
The hare advises that the short run will be A to B and there will be transport from the run site. So if you want to do the short run and think you might be a bit late, give someone a ring.
Before all that, of course, on Friday evening (24th March) from about 6:00 p.m. there is Conebrain's 50th Birthday party at their new cubby house (pictured above) just short of the Haad Kao Resort on the Singanakorn side of Songkhla. Head North for about 5k from the ferry and take the turning off the main road signposted for the resort. The cubby house is about 100m down on the right, behind a cement wall with exposed brick. The dress code is traditional Thai gear or at least a white shirt. The food is all laid on but it's a BYOG party so bring what you intend to drink and a bit extra to share with your mates.
Sunday's HH3 run is being set by Sex Printer and the runsite will be in the rubber opposite the Sai Kao Resort. (about 5k east of Tha Kham or about the same distance west of Wat Khun Thong on the Tha Kham-Khun Thong road.
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Monday, March 20, 2017
Sunday on Kao Loony
Well, that's what the new sign calls it - or maybe it's Kao Loong, but late in the evening after a few cans of golden nectar it's easy to be fooled.
Anyway, Sunday's HH3 runs above. The long run was probably under 6k, but expanded itself to it's full length of 7.2k with all the F's and X's added in. The short run was about 3.1k. Both runs got up above 100m, the long run only if you followed the paper out to the third F, the short run at the top of the little hill not long after the first (and only) 360. Total ascent on the long run was in the region of 250m with about half that for the short run.
Everyone was back in time to enjoy the convivial atmosphere before the circle, although the circle itself got a bit serious as the hash debated the merits of becoming troglodytes on the next out-station and spending three days camping in a cave in Trang with no electricity and no sanitation. The alternative which seems to have been adopted is to spend three days sitting in the cave but then if you feel up to it after a few golden nectars, to drive back to local accommodation at night to get a respite from all that asceticism. Hmmm....
Anyway, Sunday's HH3 runs above. The long run was probably under 6k, but expanded itself to it's full length of 7.2k with all the F's and X's added in. The short run was about 3.1k. Both runs got up above 100m, the long run only if you followed the paper out to the third F, the short run at the top of the little hill not long after the first (and only) 360. Total ascent on the long run was in the region of 250m with about half that for the short run.
Everyone was back in time to enjoy the convivial atmosphere before the circle, although the circle itself got a bit serious as the hash debated the merits of becoming troglodytes on the next out-station and spending three days camping in a cave in Trang with no electricity and no sanitation. The alternative which seems to have been adopted is to spend three days sitting in the cave but then if you feel up to it after a few golden nectars, to drive back to local accommodation at night to get a respite from all that asceticism. Hmmm....
Saturday, March 18, 2017
All Black joins The Online Scum team
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All Black, seen here with Mrs. Robocop on an HH3 outstation run last year. |
Sound like a dream come true? Well you too can be part of this exciting cyber-organ. Just contact Beavershot (via the Astral Plane) and request author privileges. Within minutes you will have your own voice on the hashing world's liveliest blog!
Here is a complete list of all authors at present: Yardstick, Gan Yao, Stick Insect, Short Screw, R2D2, Smeghead, Polepolisher, and Rotten Johnny. OK, so some of them haven't posted anything yet but we're not giving up hope. And of course Egghead and Beavershot, though we are both "Administrators", which means we can annoy one another by editing/deleting each other's posts.
Friday, March 17, 2017
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Ploughed away
The intended run site for the Hatyai H3 run has been agriculturally implemented which has necessitated a change on Sunday. So the run will now be from the usual Kao Long run site on the road just before it goes up the hill: from Songkhla take the old Yala road for 11.8k and turn right (about 1k past the AngThong intersection) on the road heading for Wat Kao Lam. Follow the road across two crossroads and through a couple of villages until you meet the Kao Long road after about 4k. Turn right and follow the road for 1,5 k to the runsite on the right. From Hatyai get to Tha Kham and go east for 5.5k then turn left under the new temple arch on the road leading to Kao Long. After 500m follow the road round to the left and go for a further 1.5k to the run site on the right.
Sex Sprinter's Sunday adventure
Here's the track for last Sunday's HH3 run. As far as I know, nobody has gotten through the upper left of this area the way Jim did, as normally we go further up the ridge, then down the steeper slopes at the far left. A strong candidate for Hatyai run of the year so far, just as Short Screw's lay of Feb. 18th was probably the best SH3 run so far. I will shortly send this track along to Professor Yardstick for inclusion in his database, where it no doubt will be studied by run scholars for years to come.
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Songkhla big birthday week

Traditionally SH3 has celebrated it's own birthday in October, swiftly preceded by pussy-birthday month in September. But this week it's the guy's turn as there are at least 5 of them with birthday's in March, Buk Toy, Sex Sprinter, Aftershock KY and Gaseous Clay and although he probably won't be here to celebrate it, Softcock will also be celebrating his 50 somethingth shortly.
So Sex Sprinter has organised with Thung Jaeng to host Saturday's run which will be an A-B run, and afterwards he has hired the outside Karaoke area for those who want to stick around and have dinner at the restaurant and be aurally assaulted by the dulcet tones of the HH3 association for the tone deaf.
Details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run # 1865, Saturday March 18th, 2017, 4:30 p.m. (sharp'ish as the transport to the A site will leave at that time.)
Hares: (at least) Sex Sprinter and Buk Toy
Misdirections: From The Kao Seng intersection take the old Yala road for 11k and turn right at the Ang Thong intersection into the new Yala road for 1.4k to the Tung Jaeng Restaurant on the left (07 05 12.07 N 100 37 25.04 E). If you are coming from the Ko Yo intersection take the new Yala road towards the Ang Thong intersection and take the final U turn (just before Ang Thong) and go back westwards for about 1.3k.
From Hatyai, get to Tha Kham and take the road East for about 5.5k then turn left under the new temple arch on the road leading to Kao Long. After 500m bear right away from Kao Long and follow the road as it gently winds through two villages, then at the second cross roads head towards and past Wat Kao Lam to meet the old Yala road after a total of about 4.3k. Turn left for1k to Ang Thong, then turn left into the new Yala road for 1.4k to Thung Jaeng.
Protocol: This is a normal day for Thung Jaeng, i.e we won't be the only customers. So please park considerately. If you intend to stay and have dinner there then by all means park in one of two restaurant parking areas. But try not to block the entrances and do not park in the driveway in front of the main restaurant building. If you don't intend to stay and buy dinner there or if the parking lots are full then park in the road in front of the restaurant. The beer truck will be on hand as usual for beer sales but will close for business once the circle has ended so if you want to keep drinking SH3 beer make sure that you have tokens or preferably the beer itself by that time. However to make this worthwhile for TJ why not buy beer from them as their prices are no more expensive that those on the beer truck.
And while we are on the subject of birthdays don't forget that it is also Kan Kai's birthday today (Wednesday) and there will be a party at the Hot Bread Shop this evening just to get us in the mood for the weekend!
Finally, Sunday's HH3 run will be set by Kai Jeow and the run site is expected to be on the Tha Kham -Sai Kao road and if you are travelling in an easterly direction, is just after the Sai Kao Resort and just before the turn off for Kao Long on a newly cleared area on the left (or right if coming from the easterly direction). Should that change in the meantime details will be posted in all the usual places and announced at Saturday's run.
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run # 1865, Saturday March 18th, 2017, 4:30 p.m. (sharp'ish as the transport to the A site will leave at that time.)
Hares: (at least) Sex Sprinter and Buk Toy
Misdirections: From The Kao Seng intersection take the old Yala road for 11k and turn right at the Ang Thong intersection into the new Yala road for 1.4k to the Tung Jaeng Restaurant on the left (07 05 12.07 N 100 37 25.04 E). If you are coming from the Ko Yo intersection take the new Yala road towards the Ang Thong intersection and take the final U turn (just before Ang Thong) and go back westwards for about 1.3k.
From Hatyai, get to Tha Kham and take the road East for about 5.5k then turn left under the new temple arch on the road leading to Kao Long. After 500m bear right away from Kao Long and follow the road as it gently winds through two villages, then at the second cross roads head towards and past Wat Kao Lam to meet the old Yala road after a total of about 4.3k. Turn left for1k to Ang Thong, then turn left into the new Yala road for 1.4k to Thung Jaeng.
Protocol: This is a normal day for Thung Jaeng, i.e we won't be the only customers. So please park considerately. If you intend to stay and have dinner there then by all means park in one of two restaurant parking areas. But try not to block the entrances and do not park in the driveway in front of the main restaurant building. If you don't intend to stay and buy dinner there or if the parking lots are full then park in the road in front of the restaurant. The beer truck will be on hand as usual for beer sales but will close for business once the circle has ended so if you want to keep drinking SH3 beer make sure that you have tokens or preferably the beer itself by that time. However to make this worthwhile for TJ why not buy beer from them as their prices are no more expensive that those on the beer truck.
And while we are on the subject of birthdays don't forget that it is also Kan Kai's birthday today (Wednesday) and there will be a party at the Hot Bread Shop this evening just to get us in the mood for the weekend!
Finally, Sunday's HH3 run will be set by Kai Jeow and the run site is expected to be on the Tha Kham -Sai Kao road and if you are travelling in an easterly direction, is just after the Sai Kao Resort and just before the turn off for Kao Long on a newly cleared area on the left (or right if coming from the easterly direction). Should that change in the meantime details will be posted in all the usual places and announced at Saturday's run.
Monday, March 13, 2017
Blown away
Here is the track for Saturday's SH3 run, which, whilst we don't do the competitive haring thingy, was comprehensively blown away by yesterday's Sex Printer/Toy Boy HH3 run, the track for which Beaver may or may not choose to share with us at some point this week. Meanwhile the SH3 run was 6.9k all in so probably less than 6k for those smart enough to avoid the F's. The short run was 3.1 k and was generally felt to have been too easy. The highest point at the holy end of the hill was 194m and the total ascent in the region of 300m.
Friday, March 10, 2017
A Sticky Egg run
The (bad) dream team hit the hills for your delectation on Saturday as Stick Insect and representatives of the Egg clan combine to set this week's SH3 run. Details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run#1864, Saturday March 11, 2017: 4:30 p.m.
Hares: Stick Insect, Egghead and Harram (eatcha heart out Beaver!)
Misdirections: From the Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4k and turn left for about 6.5k then turn left and go about 800m (past the water tower) to the run site in the rubber on the left.
Sunday's HH3 run is being set by Sex Printer and the run site is on the road between Pru Toh and Tungnai, off of Poonakan: from Songkhla get to Wat Keow Kloy and take Poonakan for about 5k then turn right and follow the Pru Toh-Tungnai road for about 600m then turn right and follow the track to the runsite. From Hatyai, take Poonakan from the Kanchanawanit end for about 6k and turn right etc.
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Full moon on table top mountain
Tomorrow (Thursday) night's full moon run is being set by Yardstick/Inchdick and the run site is the flattened hill near Khun Thong: From Songkhla take the old Yala road for 16k and turn right for 1.5k then turn left up the dirt road and follow it for about 500m up, up, up to the flat bit at the top. From Hatyai get to Tha Kham and go East for 6k to the big tree then continue straight ahead for 2k and turn right up the track etc.
Usual stuff applies: Bring a hand/head light if you intend to run/walk. There will be beer on sale at 40 Baht a can/bottle, but if you prefer to bring your own choice of beer to share with your mates, that's ok. Ditto food, if you think you'll feel hungry after all that exertion.
Usual stuff applies: Bring a hand/head light if you intend to run/walk. There will be beer on sale at 40 Baht a can/bottle, but if you prefer to bring your own choice of beer to share with your mates, that's ok. Ditto food, if you think you'll feel hungry after all that exertion.
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Ha Roy Rupee
For those who may not have heard, Ha Roy Rupee's father died early on Monday so Vinay has had to return to India and it is not known when he will be back in Songhla. As he regularly views the blog but as far as we know, does not use FB messenger, anyone who would like to pass on condolences to him can do so by leaving a comment on this post.
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
A beaver run curry fest
Beaver's in the frame for the first full run of the reign of our new glorious leader who is also promising a feast of Indian food to follow, provided by Curry in a Hurry, newly returned from foreign parts, and a couple of other culinary wannabees are also promising some Indian-style delicacies to accompany it.
Details are: Songkhla Hash House Harriers run #1863, Saturday March 4th 2017, 4:30 p.m.
Hare Beavershot.
Misdirections: From the Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4.7k and turn left for 8k then turn right (at Wat Keow Kloy into Poonakan) for 1.2k and turn left along the concrete soi. Go as far as necessary to the run site. From Hatyai, either get to Tha Kham and head south to the top of Poonakan or go to the Kanchanvanich/Poonakan junction next to PSU and take Poonakan for about 10k before turning right.
Sunday's HH3 run is at the bottom end of Poonakan at Superpig's spare house in Soi 10: Follow Saturday's directions to Keow Kloy then go 8k down Poonakan and turn left, or coming from Kanjanavanich go 3k and turn right. The hare is... wait for it... now don't get too excited... Rbcp (supply your own vowels!)
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