Thursday, July 17, 2014

Save Britain's beavers!

Do your part to save the wild beavers of Devon: buy a beaver a beer this weekend!


  1. vermin, just vermin. Turn them into fur coats I say...

  2. 'The true measure of a man is his love of the beaver, that loyal sentinel of the woodlands and waters.'

    - Thomas Jefferson

  3. Sympathy for the beaver

    "The beaver, which has come to represent Canada as the eagle does the United States and the lion Britain, is a flat-tailed, slow-witted, toothy rodent known to bite off its own testicles or to stand under its own falling trees."
    June Callwood

    On On to the dam! Gan Yao

    More Canada Day Quotes

    1. Oh yeah, now you pile on the poor beaver! I could explain those bite marks on my testicles but, well you know, a gentleman never tells.
