Against all the odds SH3's 30th birthday celebrations seem to be all set to spring fully formed into life and with over 100 people already registered for the event, If you still haven't reserved your place, you need to get in touch with a responsible person ... but no suggestions from this end as to where one might locate such a
rara avis.
For those who don't know, the fun will kick off an hour early with transport for both the long and short runs leaving the Tung Jaeng Restaurant (New Yala Road, 9k, on the right) at 3:30 p.m. For that reason the beer truck will depart from the Hot Bread Shop at 2:30 p.m.
There will in fact be three runs, a long, a medium and a short. The long and medium runs will differ by the whole of the short run, so medium runners will be able to bale out at the beginning of the short run and get a lift back to the party. Long runners will be offered light refreshments at the mid-point and then invited to get their asses back on the trail so as to be back in time for the circle at 6:00 p.m. The light refreshment truck will remain on hand until all the long and medium runners have been accounted for and will forcibly detain anyone arriving after 5:30 who would be unlikely to make it before dark.
The party itself is expected to kick off with dinner at 7:00 p.m. with the entertainment kicking in at 8:00 p.m. Acts currently confirmed include the Victory Quintet and Pussy Gallorrrious. Meeeow!
Thanks are due to our beer sponsors who though anonymous as befits their selflessness, shall be recorded in full on the T shirt. The count currently stands at 17 cases with the odd vat of boozo del plonko thrown in by Useless Whitney and perhaps Full Moon H3 as well if she who must be obeyed is in a generous mood.
For the record, named SH3 and HH3 runners are still only being charged 300 Baht and guests 500 Baht with kids of all persuasions at 200 Baht. The price includes everything on offer: run(s), beer, dinner, more beer, entertainment, more beer and a T shirt.
Last word:
Don't be late!
And as if all that isn't enough, if you're jaded with the rugby and the prospect of all those bloody Kiwis being able to gloat at us lesser mortals, why not come along to HH3 on Sunday whose run will be graced by those bits of Batu H3 who haven't discovered that Saturday's exertions have left them in need of a relaxing rub down. The run is being set by... Moo Sahb... Hmmmmmm! and the run site is on the football pitch 4.5k down Poonakan past Wat Keow Kloy. The run starts at 4:30.