A smiling Beavershot acknowledges the cheers
of the huge crowd of two people and a dog.
Beavershot was this afternoon re-elected as Songkhla Hash GM after a surprisingly easy victory against stiff opposition. The vote was however marred by a low turnout amid accusations of widespread fraud which were dismissed by a victorious Beavershot as "A load of fuckin' rubbish".
The vote took place at an obscure runsite chosen by today's hare, Yardstick amid allegations that its remote location was a deliberate ploy to prevent hashers opposed to Beavershot from taking part in the election. The route to the run site involved a 28k drive, the final 4k of which was along a track described as 'challenging even in a Sherman tank'. Nevertheless two hashers and a stray dog were successful in reaching the run site and were presented with a list of 3 candidates to choose from. The final result was:
Beavershot 1
Kate Moss 1
Al 'Crawlback' Sigmund 1
Beavershot was then declared to have won based on the fact that Kate Moss was not a valid Hash name and that Crawlback was dead.
In his acceptance speech, Beavershot paid tribute to his campaign team and promised to bail them out as soon as he had raised enough money from Hash Cash. He thanked his opponents for a fair fight and promised that his second term would see a continuation of the policies he had failed to prevent in his first term. As he said,
"Where there is concord we will bring conflict, where there is beer let them eat cake, where there is peace we will fight them on the beaches"