Throughout the history of warfare, men have happily killed and maimed each other on the battlefield without any particularly hard feelings. When it was over, it was over. The job of going out the next morning and performing grisly acts of revenge on the remaining wounded soldiers of the losing side . . . well, that’s always been the job of the women.
This is the theory behind the pussy run.
Only a Yolk,
Meals on Wheels, and
Temporary Relief (but where was she?) fully lived up to this tradition yesterday, setting a run from 7.5km down the NYR that weakened the strong, humbled the mighty, and just about lost
Yardstick forever.
Poor Yardo, operating with just half a face, apparently took a wrong turn somewhere near the top and found himself serious jungle-ized as the lights went out. Trying to navigate by occasional flashes of lightning, he finally realized that he’d rather face a night of hunger, thirst, and mosquitos than tumble down some cliff in the dark. So he had curled himself into fetal position to count down the 11 hours till dawn when, faintly in the distance, came a hash-like cry. It was
Sex Sprinter, who along with
Egghead had mounted a search and rescue mission, and once again proved himself as good at finding lost hashers as he is at finding paper.
Even for those of us who made it back before dark, this was one kick-ass run. The visiting
Fog Horny rather ruefully made a comment to the effect that “parts of that were a little dodgy”.
Egghead, who provided technical assistance to the hares, had made the mistake of doing an ambitious birthday run recce the day before and was in sad shape even by the halfway point.
Rotten Johnny was but a shadow of his usual overachieving self, and as for
Beavershot, well, suffice to say that he could have picked a more gentle re-introduction to Songkhla hashing after seven weeks of soft life on the road.
Looking forward to getting a break next week? Dream on. It won’t be a Yardstick Memorial Run after all, but a Yardstick Revenge Run, lovingly plotted by GPS to show us all how much he enjoyed his adventure yesterday.