Geddit? Geddit?
Ok, so this week's sortie into the editor's deep subconscious is inspired by two of this week's SH3 hares; but not sure how the third one fits in with the theme.
Anyway, this week's run details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run #1846, Saturday October 27, 2018, 4:00 p.m.
Hares: Stick Insect, Little Tool and Outlaw
Misdirections: From the Khao Saeng traffic lights take the old Yala road for 5.7k and turn right at the Hash sign at 7.130749° 100.629499°. Go 400m and turn into Wat Chaamuthit on the right at the second hash sign to the run site at 7.130161°, 100.626011°. From Hatyai. Make your way to the old/new Yala road junction at Ang Thong and head North on the old Yala road for 5.3k then turn left at the hash sign.
Be aware that as we have now passed the SH3 birthday, runs will start at 4:00 p.m. for the rest of the rainy season. If you think you are going to be late this week please give someone a call and we will hold the start, but not beyond 4:15 as the nights are fast drawing in and we don't want a repeat of last week's nocturnal search and rescue operation!
Sunday's (October 28) HH3 run is being set from the Tung Ngai-Prutoh road at 7.029293° 100.545499° which is 2.8 from the Poonakan end, opposite Wat Tung Ngai or 1.4k from the other end at Wat Prutoh. The hare is Sex Au Au.
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Monday, October 22, 2018
The next full moon run will take place tomorrow, Tuesday 23 October and there will be two virgin hares to celebrate the event. The run is intended to start at 6:30 p.m. so please try to be a bit early or give someone a call if you are on your way.
Details are:
Hatyai Full Moon Hash House Harriers run #143, October 23, 2018, 6:30 p.m.
Hares: Inchdick, Pla Men and Jing Reed
Misdirections: From Hatyai: get to Tha Kham and head east towards the big tree for 4.5k to the run site in the rubber opposite Sai Kao Resort at: 7.039405° 100.608389°. From Songkhla, either take the 16k turning right off the old Yala road and go 5.1k (1.6k past the big tree) when the run site will be on the left, or get to Tha Kham (old Hatyai road 4.7k left and go 6k) and turn left for 4.5k etc.
Usual stuff applies: Bring a head/hand light if you intend to run and some food if you think you will be hungry. Beer will be on sale at 40 Baht per can but feel free to bring your own to share if you prefer.
Details are:
Hatyai Full Moon Hash House Harriers run #143, October 23, 2018, 6:30 p.m.
Hares: Inchdick, Pla Men and Jing Reed
Misdirections: From Hatyai: get to Tha Kham and head east towards the big tree for 4.5k to the run site in the rubber opposite Sai Kao Resort at: 7.039405° 100.608389°. From Songkhla, either take the 16k turning right off the old Yala road and go 5.1k (1.6k past the big tree) when the run site will be on the left, or get to Tha Kham (old Hatyai road 4.7k left and go 6k) and turn left for 4.5k etc.
Usual stuff applies: Bring a head/hand light if you intend to run and some food if you think you will be hungry. Beer will be on sale at 40 Baht per can but feel free to bring your own to share if you prefer.
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Gerry Herron

Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Happy birthday to us!
SH3's slightly early birthday run will take place this coming Saturday and everybody is invited and welcome to attend. The registration will be 100 Baht (50 Baht for kids) which will cover the run, the food prepared by our team of international chefs (well, one of them is an Aussie!) and free beer and other drinks all evening. The event is being held at Worm and Not the Full Shilling's palatial residence in Poonakan Rd., or at least, at the workshop there.
Details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run #1945, Saturday October 20, 2018. 4:30 p.m.
Hares: Egghead and Little Tool
Misdirections: From the Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4.7k and turn left for 8k then at the Wat Keow Kloy traffic lights turn right for 1.3k to the run site inside the big gates at 7.023149° 100.568478°, on the right. Follow signs to the car parking area.
Details of the HH3 run on Sunday and the Full Moon H3 run the following week will be posted later and.or announced on Saturday.
Details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run #1945, Saturday October 20, 2018. 4:30 p.m.
Hares: Egghead and Little Tool
Misdirections: From the Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4.7k and turn left for 8k then at the Wat Keow Kloy traffic lights turn right for 1.3k to the run site inside the big gates at 7.023149° 100.568478°, on the right. Follow signs to the car parking area.
Details of the HH3 run on Sunday and the Full Moon H3 run the following week will be posted later and.or announced on Saturday.
Sunday, October 14, 2018
The rise and rise of SH3
Yesterday's reprise of the rumble long run saw our biggest Saturday attendance so far this year, with 47 registered runners including the 2 hares, a figure bettered only once this year on our Sunday outing in June after HH3's 900th run. That figure is itself likely to be blown away at next week's birthday run, but generally there is no doubt that after a long period where SH3's existence seemed to be in doubt, we are now definitely on the up!
To mark the occasion pretty much everybody squeezed into three pick ups, and was taken round to the other side of the hill then followed a somewhat different route round, rather than through the quarry, joining the rumble run around the back of the Korakot restaurant with a slight diversion about 6k into the run for the beer stop and the end of the short run. Then the long run headed back out onto the trail to complete the 8.6k as dusk fell with the short runners arriving back at the run site about 30 minutes later via pick up.
The only casualty was Gan Yao who decided to attempt the hill crossing rejected for the rumble run on the basis that it was too tough for our visitors. Gan Yao reached a similar conclusion as he too noticed the descending darkness, returning to the base of the hill and following the general route of the rumble run in the reverse direction and thus eventually arriving at Nam Noi where he sought and was given directions back to the CP factory by a guy in a pick-up who immediately sped off in that direction without offering him a lift!
Thanks to the hares for a great run - it was worth waiting for! And thanks to everyone who turned out, particularly the 6 new runners and a big contingent from HH3, who ran or walked for upwards of an hour and then drank the beer truck dry! Hashing in Songkhla has never been better than this!
To mark the occasion pretty much everybody squeezed into three pick ups, and was taken round to the other side of the hill then followed a somewhat different route round, rather than through the quarry, joining the rumble run around the back of the Korakot restaurant with a slight diversion about 6k into the run for the beer stop and the end of the short run. Then the long run headed back out onto the trail to complete the 8.6k as dusk fell with the short runners arriving back at the run site about 30 minutes later via pick up.
The only casualty was Gan Yao who decided to attempt the hill crossing rejected for the rumble run on the basis that it was too tough for our visitors. Gan Yao reached a similar conclusion as he too noticed the descending darkness, returning to the base of the hill and following the general route of the rumble run in the reverse direction and thus eventually arriving at Nam Noi where he sought and was given directions back to the CP factory by a guy in a pick-up who immediately sped off in that direction without offering him a lift!
Thanks to the hares for a great run - it was worth waiting for! And thanks to everyone who turned out, particularly the 6 new runners and a big contingent from HH3, who ran or walked for upwards of an hour and then drank the beer truck dry! Hashing in Songkhla has never been better than this!
Friday, October 12, 2018
Rumbling on!
This week's SH3 run is for all those who for some reason did not do the Rumble-Back-to-Mother long run a month back, which includes just about everybody from SH3 bar a hare or two! So we'll all be able to relive the full grandeur of half the run, or about a quarter of it if you do the short run! Details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers" run #1944 Saturday October 13, 2018, 4:30 p.m.
Hares: Innuendo and Little Tool
Misdirections: From the Ko Yo Intersection take the old Hatyai road for 6.5k and do a U-turn. Come back 100m and turn left immediately before the CP factory then go 1k to the runsite on the right in the car park behind the community center at 7.086344° 100.545237°. The runs will both be A-B and transport to the A sites will leave the B site sharp at 4:30 so please try not to be late.
Sunday's HH3 run is from Budokan's auxiliary residence in Poonakan Soi 10 at 6.998002° 100.515254°, which coming from Wat Keow Kloy is 8k on the left or 3k on the right if you are coming from the Kanjanawanit Rd. junction. The hare is Rrrrrrrrrobocop!
Finally, for various very good reasons, SH3's birthday run this year will be held a week early on 20th October and will be hosted in the garden of Worm and Not the Full Shilling's house at the top end of Poonakan. Inspired by last weekend's excellent HH3 event, the cost will be 100 Baht, the food will be provided by SH3's resident chefs and there should be loads of free beer as long as we get some beer sponsors this weekend!
Songkhla Hash House Harriers" run #1944 Saturday October 13, 2018, 4:30 p.m.
Hares: Innuendo and Little Tool
Misdirections: From the Ko Yo Intersection take the old Hatyai road for 6.5k and do a U-turn. Come back 100m and turn left immediately before the CP factory then go 1k to the runsite on the right in the car park behind the community center at 7.086344° 100.545237°. The runs will both be A-B and transport to the A sites will leave the B site sharp at 4:30 so please try not to be late.
Sunday's HH3 run is from Budokan's auxiliary residence in Poonakan Soi 10 at 6.998002° 100.515254°, which coming from Wat Keow Kloy is 8k on the left or 3k on the right if you are coming from the Kanjanawanit Rd. junction. The hare is Rrrrrrrrrobocop!
Finally, for various very good reasons, SH3's birthday run this year will be held a week early on 20th October and will be hosted in the garden of Worm and Not the Full Shilling's house at the top end of Poonakan. Inspired by last weekend's excellent HH3 event, the cost will be 100 Baht, the food will be provided by SH3's resident chefs and there should be loads of free beer as long as we get some beer sponsors this weekend!
Monday, October 8, 2018
Where the beaver used to roam
After all the excitement of electing a new GM at Hatyai hash on Saturday, Sunday's HH3 run was back to business as usual, as Kai Jeow set two longish but flattish runs in territory that in days gone by were regularly patrolled by Sex Weasel, aka Beavershot. The long run was around 8.9k all up but more than a kilometer of that was accounted for by the F's and the single X.
Meanwhile, the normally reliable measurer of the short run, Sex Teacher had apparently short cut so was unable to provide an accurate length, but the hare recorded it as in the region of 5.5k. That short cut enabled her and the equally short cutting Not the Full Shilling (HH3 name unknown) to arrive at the beer stop first in about an hour, followed by the FRB's on the long run, with the remainder of both runs drifting in over the course of the next 15 minutes, with Sex Printer thoughtfully sweeping up some long run stragglers and arriving last.
A slightly lower turnout than of late at HH3 witnessed new GM, Sexy Cop's first circle which was carried off with some aplomb. The occasion was marked by the three current local GMs, all of whom are female, gracing the ice together, belying the impression you might get further south that hashers are just a bunch of misogynistic old men. As if!
Meanwhile, the normally reliable measurer of the short run, Sex Teacher had apparently short cut so was unable to provide an accurate length, but the hare recorded it as in the region of 5.5k. That short cut enabled her and the equally short cutting Not the Full Shilling (HH3 name unknown) to arrive at the beer stop first in about an hour, followed by the FRB's on the long run, with the remainder of both runs drifting in over the course of the next 15 minutes, with Sex Printer thoughtfully sweeping up some long run stragglers and arriving last.
A slightly lower turnout than of late at HH3 witnessed new GM, Sexy Cop's first circle which was carried off with some aplomb. The occasion was marked by the three current local GMs, all of whom are female, gracing the ice together, belying the impression you might get further south that hashers are just a bunch of misogynistic old men. As if!
Saturday, October 6, 2018
At last!
Just in case anyone has a last minute urge to join the HH3 run this afternoon The runsite is at Nam Tok Tone Lua at 6.896383° 100.236171° or thereabouts. It's about an hour's drive from the Ko Yo intersection, via the new Hatyai road, then left at the end for 1.5k, then right at the Khuan Lang intersection onto the road signposted to Rattaphum and Tone Na Chang. The turn off left onto the 4026 is about 9k along, then follow the map above and hash signs. The ante is 100 Baht for named HH3 runners, 500 Baht for guests.
The details for tomorrow (Sunday)'s HH3 run are unchanged from below.
Thursday, October 4, 2018
A double Hatyai weekend
This weekend, HH3 will be hosting two runs as they will be electing a new GM on Saturday, which would generally happen at an outstation run. However, this year although they will be taking over SH3's normal Saturday slot, the run will not be a million miles away from Hatyai as can be seen from the map above. Ok, so things are still a bit vague but more precise details will be given as soon as they are made available.
What do we know?
There will be a car rally to the run site starting from Hatyai Park at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday with lunch to follow. The run itself is intended to start at 3:30 p.m. but that may slip a little to accommodate latecomers including anyone who can't join the car rally. Following the run, all the beer and food will be included in the price which is 100 Baht for named Hatyai H3 runners, 500 Baht for guests and non-HH3-named runners. Those who want to stay should take camping gear and there will be ample space for tents etc. The location of the run site, which is currently a closely guarded secret, is not the same as the 900th run but is in the same general area. More information will be passed on as soon as it is released.
Sunday's run, which will be a regular HH3 run (i.e., 60 Baht for adults, 30 Baht for kids), will be set by Kai Jeow (alias Egghead) and will be from the football field behind Wat Khokpayomsukaram at Nern Pijit. SH3 runners who can't make the HH3 run on Saturday or who don't qualify for the members' rate are recommended to come to the Sunday run, where they will be made very welcome.
Misdirections are:
From the Ko Yo intersection take the Old Hatyai road for 4.7k and turn left. follow the road ahead through Tha Kham and past Wat Keow Kloy, then at 11k follow the road as it bends right at Wat Nern Pijit for a further 1k then turn right for 1k to the run site at 6.988001°100.571269°
What do we know?
There will be a car rally to the run site starting from Hatyai Park at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday with lunch to follow. The run itself is intended to start at 3:30 p.m. but that may slip a little to accommodate latecomers including anyone who can't join the car rally. Following the run, all the beer and food will be included in the price which is 100 Baht for named Hatyai H3 runners, 500 Baht for guests and non-HH3-named runners. Those who want to stay should take camping gear and there will be ample space for tents etc. The location of the run site, which is currently a closely guarded secret, is not the same as the 900th run but is in the same general area. More information will be passed on as soon as it is released.
Sunday's run, which will be a regular HH3 run (i.e., 60 Baht for adults, 30 Baht for kids), will be set by Kai Jeow (alias Egghead) and will be from the football field behind Wat Khokpayomsukaram at Nern Pijit. SH3 runners who can't make the HH3 run on Saturday or who don't qualify for the members' rate are recommended to come to the Sunday run, where they will be made very welcome.
Misdirections are:
From the Ko Yo intersection take the Old Hatyai road for 4.7k and turn left. follow the road ahead through Tha Kham and past Wat Keow Kloy, then at 11k follow the road as it bends right at Wat Nern Pijit for a further 1k then turn right for 1k to the run site at 6.988001°100.571269°
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