As your Blogmeister, I was asked by the GM to put up a brief 5,000-word commemoration marking the 1000th post on this site. But if you've been counting, you will realize that Egghead got there first with his recap of our 33rd Birthday Run immediately below this one. I think that's a more fitting 1000th post than some pointless comments by me, but now you're going to get those anyway.
The Online Scum came into existence just over five years ago, in August 2009. Typically of hash endeavors everywhere (although usually not in ours in Songkhla), its birth was accompanied by various accusations, recriminations, and conspiracy theories. It wasn't really expected to last long or attract any real readership.
Well, that was 1,000 posts and over 100,000 page views ago, so yes, we've exceeded expectations, especially our own. (For the record, our most-viewed post is
this one, with well over 2,400 hits. We suspect that most of those people were searching for something rather different and must have been sadly disappointed.)
We've also attracted almost exactly almost 1,000 comments, both from a wide range of hashers as well as many luminaries from around the world and at least three different centuries. They include Sigmund Freud, Pierre de Fermat, Charles Darwin, Søren Kierkegaard, Erwin Schrödinger, Niels Bohr, Hosni Mubarak, Lee Kwan Yew, Bill Gates, Harry Potter, the Pope (presumably the present one), Bozo the Clown, and famed photographers Henri Cartier Breaston and Ansel Arselover. Oh, and Fufu the Dog (and Rin Tin Tin too), the genuine and inimitable Braniac, and such notable NGOs as the PLO (Poultry Liberation Organization) and the PLF (Pigloid Liberation Front). And that guy Anonymous, who seems to be our biggest fan.
Anyhow my thanks to all our contributors, especially Egghead, my defacto co-editor here. He was of course the founder and main editor of the original hard-copy Scum, which certainly has to have been among the most ambitious and entertaining hash newsletters anywhere. None of us have quite that much energy or free time these days, but I like to think we still maintain a pretty lively on-line presence.
As always, we invite anyone who wants to post anything they like. If you don't already have posting rights (shown by a "New Post" button I think at the upper-right of the page), just drop me a line and I'll put you on the contributors list. Likewise if you have any requests for our hard-hitting investigative team or our fearless photographers, post a comment here and we will do our best to swing into action.
On-on to 2,000!