Three runs this week, with the first taking place on Thursday evening in the hills above Prem's place. Details are:
Hatyai Full Moon Hash House Harriers run # 97, Thursday 23rd May 2013, 7:00 p.m.
Hares: Inch Dick and Kii Long (a.k.a. Yardstick and Perky)
Misdirections: From the Ko Yo intersection take the new Yala road for 800 meters and turn left then follow the road for about 2k, turning right up the hill then left beyond Prem's place after about 800 meters. The run site is at the top of the hill on the right.
The view towards the run site: "It's up there!" |
Saturday's SH3 run celebrates Stick Insect's 60th birthday and will be at Tung Jaeng with dinner to follow. Details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers run #1667, Saturday 25th May 2013, 4:30 p.m.
Hares: Stick Insect and mysterious special guest
Misdirections: from the Ko Yo intersection take the new Yala road for about 9k. Tung Jaeng is on the right. (As there are road works at that point you need to go about 100 meters past the restaurant then turn right across the new carriageway and go back to the restaurant)
Dinner after the run will be courtesy of Stick Insect but beer will be up to us. The beer at the restaurant is pretty cheap so if you are intending to buy some beer for the occasion, the suggestion is to buy it from the restaurant - they won't object if we take our own and there will be an ice box on hand, but it would be nice to give the restaurant at least some of our beer trade to say thank you for hosting this glittering event.
Last word on Saturday: the hare has let it be known that this will not be a very dog friendly run so if you are intending to bring a canine chum, bring a lead as well and keep the dog on it when you are in the restaurant which is a haven of feline tranquility.
Finally in our full calendar, the Hatyai run on Sunday is Poonakan-ish.
If you are coming from Songkhla the preferred route is: From the Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4.6k and turn left at Wat Keow Kloy for 8k then right for about 5.5k and turn left just before Wat Tung Ngai, then look for the run site on the left (?). If you are coming from Hatyai, take Thanon Poonakan from its junction with Kanjanawanit road at the corner of Prince of Songkla University and go for about 6k then turn right at the hash sign after Wat Tung Ngai. The hares are the Sex people.