Sunday, September 30, 2012
Rehash of the Pre-Full Moon Mini Monster
To ensure that the attending runners were fully limbered up for the Full Moon run later in the evening, a rather shortened mini-monster courtesy of Yardstick & R2D2 was laid on, so to speak. With a relatively healthy turnout of about 30 humans, and a rather depleted pack of hounds (the canine variety) of only 3 or 4, this run was more reminicent of past glory days of the SH3 hash. We even had the pleasure of 3 new runners attending, although this was possibly a cunning scheme by Kii Leum to underwrite a dutch take-over of the Songkhla Hash.
The long run, medium run and the short run were, by general consensus, all deemed to have been of excellent quality, including sufficient hill climbing as well as plenty of good trail running. This was followed by another excellent full moon run courtesy of Sex Printer (or was it Sex Sprinter), which was run under, a sometimes, brilliant full moon.
The run statistics for all you nerds out there, which seems to be nearly everyone these days, are as follows.
For the long run: total length, including false trails, was 9.0km; total ascent was approximately 320m; max altitude, if you found the 4th false trail, was 212m, from the runsite at 65m.
For the medium run: total length was 6.8km; total ascent was approximately 203m; max altitude was 189m
For the short run: total length was 4.2km and the total ascent was approximately 100m
The short runners returned in just over an hour after setting out, and the first of the long runners coming in, in 1hour 25minutes, with everyone back within about 1hour 30mins.
Friday, September 28, 2012
HH3: drifting northwards but temporally accurate
Those receiving this map straight from the ex GM's mouth may have noticed that this week's HH3 run had been added to the two runs already occurring on the 29th September and that the shift in time had caused a corresponding movement in space, as the run site now appears to be slightly further up (or down, depending on your starting position) Poonakan. Some judicious application of the clone stamp has remedied the time problem but the hares remain in control of the location of the run site. So if you are coming from Songkhla start checking for a sign after a couple of k's beyond Wat KK and if you are coming from Hatyai expect a slightly longer journey than the directions below suggest.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
All roads lead to Sai Kao Resort
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Click for a man-sized view |
For the benefit of anyone who genuinely doesn't know where Sai Kao Resort is:
SH3 run #1634, Saturday September 29th 2012, 4:30 p.m. and
Hatyai Full Moon H3 run #90 (after the SH3 circle)
Hares: Yardstick and R2D2/Sex Sprinter
Misdirections: From the Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4.7k then turn left for 6k then left for 4.5k to the SH3 runsite on the right.
However, for those coming from Songkhla itself, a right turn off the old Yala road looks favorite, but Tung Wang market (at 12k) is still operating so if you don't know the way across country at the 11k turning, it may be simply easiest to go to Wat Kun Tong at 16k and to turn right for 5k, with the run site appearing on the left. Marginally shorter is the route via the 14k turning but that involves a left turn after 1.5k and a bear right at the big tree after another 2k.
Hadyaites have a simpler choice with the Nam Noi turning offering a straight road for 11.5k through Tha Kam to the run site on the right, but others may favor the Punnakan - Keow Kloy approach to Tha Kam.
The HFMH3 full moon run will take place at the termination of the SH3 circle probably at about 7:00 p.m. Sex Sprinter will be the hare and the run site will probably shift across the road to the resort itself where there are rooms or camping facilities available for those who want to make a night of it. Bring a handlight, food and some beer if you feel like it although Hash beer will be on sale at a very reasonable 100 Baht for 3 cans.
Sunday's Hatyai H3 run will be set by Nicheow. The run site will be on the football field on Punnakan Road (From the Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4.7k then turn left for 8k then right at Wat Keow Kloy for 4.5k to the SH3 runsite on the left).
Sunday, September 23, 2012
1633: Kii Leum to the rescue
Kii Leum, who began the afternoon searching for the run site in Hatyai was yesterday afternoon's hero as he plucked Perky to safety as darkness fell, while hare, Egghead blundered into a swamp in his efforts to find his own paper as well as the lost runner. Not a very dignified end to an otherwise enjoyable run.
The search and rescue mission resulted in the cancellation of the birthday run planning party meeting which will now take place on Tuesday evening at Bai Meang in Sadao Road at 7:00 p.m. Anyone with half an idea about what we should do should go. Also unresolved was the timing etc of the next full moon run, with the full moon itself falling on Sunday of next week.
Meanwhile 1633 will be remembered for all the wrong reasons... (continued in the hares' imagination)
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Back in the groove
This week's misdirections are:
Songkhla H3 run #1633, Saturday, September 22, 2012
Hares: Egg family and 4-legged friends
Misdirections: From the Kao Saeng intersection take the old Yala road for 8k and turn right before Ban Dan School then follow the road for about 2k, to the run site 200m beyond the rubber tappers' sala.
Sunday's HH3 run is yet another sex-people venture from that run site on Poonakan on the right immediately before Satit Mor Or which is immediately before the conference center, or coming from Hatyai, on the left immediately after Satit Mor Or which is immediately after the conference center.
A slight case of deja vu?
Songkhla H3 run #1633, Saturday, September 22, 2012
Hares: Egg family and 4-legged friends
Misdirections: From the Kao Saeng intersection take the old Yala road for 8k and turn right before Ban Dan School then follow the road for about 2k, to the run site 200m beyond the rubber tappers' sala.
Sunday's HH3 run is yet another sex-people venture from that run site on Poonakan on the right immediately before Satit Mor Or which is immediately before the conference center, or coming from Hatyai, on the left immediately after Satit Mor Or which is immediately after the conference center.
A slight case of deja vu?
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Ho hum...
Lots of polite comments about what was a fairly routine, up-down sort of run last Saturday, achieved in 4k and 45 minutes. But most people's minds were elsewhere and the circle was as gracefully truncated as the run to ensure maximum turnout at the Wat for Pranee.
This week, SH3 takes a break in light of the HH3 outstation run at Chai Kob Resort near Wang Sai Tong. Anyone needing directions who hasn't got them or a GPS track that is capable of using it must be living on Mars - but in case you need directions, call Egghead on 081 9691227 before Saturday and they will be forwarded (or annotate a comment to this post).
See y'all next week!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
The next generation
OK, maybe it's time to feature some photos of the younger members of our hash community. Here are a few from Saturday and Sunday's runs.
SPECIAL BONUS! Due to overwhelming demand (see Comments), a photo of that big kid who drinks all the beer.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Friday, September 7, 2012
Rabid beaver attack
"The creature knocked Lillian Peterson off her feet as she was climbing
out of Lake Barcroft after a swim. The 83-year-old woman twisted around
to see what attacked her and noticed one thing: large, orange teeth . . . ."
Our Canadian correspondent sends in this true-life horror story of nature's supreme aquatic mammal run amok. Read the whole gripping account here.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
The lergy strikes and the messiah returns
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The messiah or the lergy - not sure which! |
Songkhla H3 run #1632, Saturday September 8, 2012
Hares: Egghead and 4-legged friends
Misdirections: From the Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4.7k and turn left for about 10k, then turn left and follow the road bearing left after 300 meters, for 2.3k to the run site.
What? I hear you scream, we've been cheated! We were led to expect a Gan Yao special this weekend and here we are fobbed off with another Egghead retread.
True, true. It can't be denied but sadly the dreaded lergy has struck and Gan Yao is laid low. So look at this way, we've still got Gan Yao's run to look forward to.
On a brighter note, a much needed sign of SH3's imminent redemption has manifested itself and the second (or is the third or fourth... not sure) coming of the dutch messiah is reliably reported to have occurred! Allelujah! Hosanna on high! Welcome back Kii Leum!
Finally, assuming that Kii Leum hasn't raptured us all by then, Sunday's HH3 run which seems to be another sex-people venture will be from a run site on Poonakan on the right immediately before Satit Mor Or which is immediately before the conference center, or coming from Hatyai, on the left immediately after Satit Mor Or which is immediately after the conference center.
GPS Tracks Anyone

Tracks, Tracks,
anyone with Tracks? Ugly Tracks, decent Tracks, any Tracks accepted. Ask your
girlfriend, boyfriend or even yourself to delve down into those dark, dingy
places where you beaver (no apologies to namesake) them away and trade them in for a few moments of
pleasure as you share them with the wider hashing community. Don’t be shy or
embarrassed to expose them to public scrutiny, after all they’ve all been laid
before, and run before, and who knows, with the help of a little "18 Again" (SMH 6/09/2012)
they could be used again, for hours of enjoyment by desperately seeking hares
and hounds, with none the wiser.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Ugly track, decent run
Here's the GPS view of yesterday's run, #1631. If it looks a bit messier than usual it's because it was pretty much improvised on the spot. Basically the long run was the loop to the right and the short run was the one on the left. Long run stats: about 7km, total ascent not quite 300m, and highest point just 138m. Short run: about 4km. One minor medical casualty but no lost runners and a good time all around. Thanks for visiting, Gasing Rangers, and come back any time!
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