Saturday's SH3 run is in Songkhla province:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers run #1614 May 5, 2012; 4:30 p.m.
Hares: Yardstick and R2D2
Misdirections: From the Kao Saeng intersection take the old Yala road for 16k and turn right (at Wat Kun Tong). Follow the road for 3.5k and turn
left immediately after the big tree, then follow signs for 1.7k to the run site. (There is a turning point beyond the runsite; U turn and park on the concrete road). If you are coming from Hatyai, take the right turn at the Nam Noi Traffic lights and follow the road for about 12k, then turn
right just before the big tree.
Hatyai Full Moon H3 run # 86 will take place immediately after the SH3 circle on Saturday at the same runsite. There will be a short run for those with the inclination followed by a BBQ with free beer courtesy of HFMH3. Bring a handlight if you intend to run and contributions to the BBQ gratefully accepted. Registration: 20 Baht, Hares: Inchdick and R2D2.
Sunday's HH3 run is.....
Or if you prefer:
From the Ko Yo intersection, take the old Hatyai road for 12k and turn left to the runsite at which Beaver last owned a dry car.
Welcome back oh reluctant rodent!