Yesterday's reprise of the rumble long run saw our biggest Saturday attendance so far this year, with 47 registered runners including the 2 hares, a figure bettered only once this year on our Sunday outing in June after HH3's 900th run. That figure is itself likely to be blown away at next week's birthday run, but generally there is no doubt that after a long period where SH3's existence seemed to be in doubt, we are now definitely on the up!
To mark the occasion pretty much everybody squeezed into three pick ups, and was taken round to the other side of the hill then followed a somewhat different route round, rather than through the quarry, joining the rumble run around the back of the Korakot restaurant with a slight diversion about 6k into the run for the beer stop and the end of the short run. Then the long run headed back out onto the trail to complete the 8.6k as dusk fell with the short runners arriving back at the run site about 30 minutes later via pick up.
The only casualty was Gan Yao who decided to attempt the hill crossing rejected for the rumble run on the basis that it was too tough for our visitors. Gan Yao reached a similar conclusion as he too noticed the descending darkness, returning to the base of the hill and following the general route of the rumble run in the reverse direction and thus eventually arriving at Nam Noi where he sought and was given directions back to the CP factory by a guy in a pick-up who immediately sped off in that direction without offering him a lift!
Thanks to the hares for a great run - it was worth waiting for! And thanks to everyone who turned out, particularly the 6 new runners and a big contingent from HH3, who ran or walked for upwards of an hour and then drank the beer truck dry! Hashing in Songkhla has never been better than this!
Here is flyover visualization of the whole run from when Little Tool and Innuendo mis-spent their morning littering the trail with squares of white paper ...
All very well but more pix of KY, please.