This week's SH3 run is for all those who for some reason did not do the Rumble-Back-to-Mother long run a month back, which includes just about everybody from SH3 bar a hare or two! So we'll all be able to relive the full grandeur of half the run, or about a quarter of it if you do the short run! Details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers" run #1944 Saturday October 13, 2018, 4:30 p.m.
Hares: Innuendo and Little Tool
Misdirections: From the Ko Yo Intersection take the old Hatyai road for 6.5k and do a U-turn. Come back 100m and turn left immediately before the CP factory then go 1k to the runsite on the right in the car park behind the community center at 7.086344° 100.545237°. The runs will both be A-B and transport to the A sites will leave the B site sharp at 4:30 so please try not to be late.
Sunday's HH3 run is from Budokan's auxiliary residence in Poonakan Soi 10 at 6.998002° 100.515254°, which coming from Wat Keow Kloy is 8k on the left or 3k on the right if you are coming from the Kanjanawanit Rd. junction. The hare is Rrrrrrrrrobocop!
Finally, for various very good reasons, SH3's birthday run this year will be held a week early on 20th October and will be hosted in the garden of Worm and Not the Full Shilling's house at the top end of Poonakan. Inspired by last weekend's excellent HH3 event, the cost will be 100 Baht, the food will be provided by SH3's resident chefs and there should be loads of free beer as long as we get some beer sponsors this weekend!
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