Here, somewhat tardily, is the track we should have, and largely did, follow last Saturday, albeit that at the point marked 005, the pack crossed from the out trail to the in trail and did the rest of the run backwards. This was not noticed until the point marked 014/015, by which time Kii Leum's acute sense of direction had kicked in with the effect noted by Beaver below ('Orrible. Just 'orrible!). But it really didn't matter as it just meant that what would have been a rather swift and slippery descent was turned into a rather slower but still slippery ascent, and the checks were rendered effectively meaningless. It was still a goodish run and with the gentler downhill route we got to stretch our legs both on the way out and on the way in.
For the record, the maximum height was around 230m, and had we followed the full track, the run would have been about 7k without the F's and X's, reduced to about 6k by the shortcut and reversal of direction. Let us save the hares' blushes and not publish the distance between the in and out trails at 005; suffice it to say that it was about 20% shorter than the much complained of proximity of the in and out trails on the previous week's HH3 run!
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