SH3 has graciously stepped aside and allowed its upstart daughter to take over the final Saturday of the year. Regulars at one, both or perhaps neither hashes should be paying 200 Baht for the run and party and any other benefits accruing. Guests as defined by whoever is in charge of these things may be asked to pay a little more!
The runsite is about 11.5k along the old Hatyai road, on the right. In loco parental advisory note: The U turn at the precise point of the run site may be suicidal, bearing in mind that it is at the bottom of a hill on a blind corner, which many drivers insist on taking at speeds which cause special relativity to need to be taken into account in order to calculate their magnitude. The suggestion is to go past the run site towards the traffic lights at Ban Ko Mi and do the U turn beyond the black Buddha where you should be able to see traffic approaching from your rear. The run is reported to be an A-B-C with transport leaving the C site for the A and B sites at 4:00 p.m. sharp.
Unmotorised Songkhla Hashers should note that the beer truck will not service this run, so anyone needing a lift should append a comment to this post/reply to this e mail and will thereafter be picked up from Bai Meang at 3:00 p.m. However transport will only be organised if requested so don't leave it to chance!
Sunday will now be the day of SH3's last run of the year, and what a run it will be! Details are:
Songkha Hash House Harriers run #1647, Sunday, December 30th, 2012, 4:00 p.m.
Hares: Egghead and doggies
Misdirections: from the Kao Saeng intersection, take the old Yala road for 16k and turn right for 3.5k, then left just after the big tree. After 150 meters go straight ahead at the track intersection and follow the road/track for 800 meters to the run site on the football pitch behind Sai Kao village. The beer truck will service this run and will leave from Bai Meang at 3:00 p.m.
Is that a rubber nun in the photo? My goodness, HH3 reveals hidden depths of kinkiness ...