As you can see, Saturday's runsite as illustrated by those nice Google people currently has a kind of rustic not to say riparian feel to it although parking may be a little tricky and a pair of wellies might be the ideal footwear! But maybe the hares will be arranging for the water to be pumped out and for earth-moving equipment to get rid of all those unsightly rocks and trees to give us a nice flat runsite in time for the run, details of which are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run #1990, Saturday, August 31, 2019, 4:30 p.m.
Hares: Not the Full Shilling and Worm
Misdirections: From The Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4.7k and turn left for 8k then turn right into Poonakan at Wat Keow Kloy for 4.2k and turn right (about 200 meters past the football field) for 210 meters to the runsite on the right. From the bottom end of Poonakan, the turning is 6.8k on the left. Click here for Google Maps pin.
HH3's run this week is being set by Robocop and anonymous friends and the run site seems likely to be that used by WiWi and Eightball for SH3 run 1982, for which, without wishing to tempt fate, the coordinates are:7.068413°N 100.510201°E. From the Nam Noi traffic lights on the old Hatyai road, turn right (if coming from Songkhla, left from Hatyai) for 550m then turn left and follow the road for about 1.6k to the runsite on the edge of the swamp.
Finally, don't forget that there is a farewell party for Toolbox and Little Tool (a.k.a. Pui and Mark) at Oscars Bar tonight (Friday, August 30th) starting at 7:00 p.m. Come along and commiserate at the departure from Songkhla of two of the nicest people you are ever likely to meet!
Flyover of the 5.2 k short/long run at HH3 yesterday ...