This Saturday's SH3 run details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run #1961, Saturday February 9, 2019, 4:00 p.m.
Hares: Sex Sprinter and Buk Toy
Misdirections: From the Kao Seng intersection take the old Yala road for 16k (5k beyond the Ang Thong intersection with the new Yala road) and turn right just before Wat Khun Tong for 1k, then left for 300m to the run site in the rubber on the left at 7.037979° 100.643561°. From Hatyai get to Tha Kham and head east for 5.5k to the big tree then go straight ahead for 2.5k in the direction of Wat Khun Tong and turn right for 300m etc.
Hatyai H3's run on Sunday (10 Feb.) is from down Pru Toh way beyond Makro on Phetkasem Road: From
the Klong Wa intersection (Phetkasem road/Route 43) go south on the road
towards Sadao for 4k and turn left at a set of traffic lights into Klongyatai
Rd. Follow that road for less than 5k and turn left at the hash
sign until you see indications of a run site. For those who like coordinates, the last left turn marked with the hash sign seems to be at 6.931754° 100.509524°. The hares are likely to be similar to the group illustrated who set the last run in this location at the end of September '18: Sex Sanan, Nong Gop and Doraemon. For anyone who wants to make a night of it there will be camping space available adjacent to the run site so pack your tent and sleeping bag!
Map below.
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