Saturday's SH3 run details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run #1958, Saturday January 19, 2019
Hares Buck and Wi Wi.
Misdirections: From the Kao Seng intersection take the old Yala road for 4.4k and turn right (immediately after the army base) and go 1.2k, bearing left before the back gate to the Gor Sor Nor, to the run site at approx. 7.134189° 100.619270°.
From Hatyai get to the old Yala road (see last week's directions for the shortest route from Tha Kham) and head north towards Songkhla. The turning is on the left about 3.6k beyond the turning for last week's run site. Alternatively by taking the old Hatyai road through the Ko Yo intersection for 3k on Kanjanawanit road and turning right, you can access the new road to the zoo from behind Wat Keow Geow and by going straight past the entrance to the zoo and heading for the old Yala road, then turning right at the traffic lights at the junction with the old Yala road, the turn to the run site is 1.4k on the right.
Sunday's HH3 run is being set by Sex Sprinter, Safe-T-Cut and 48 from the run site at 7.029126° 100.545416° which is on the Prutoh Tung Ngai road. From Songkhla take the old Hatyai road to the Nam Noi traffic lights and turn left for 3.6k then turn right at Wat Prutoh for 1.4k to the run site on the left. If you are coming from Poonakan, turn onto the Prutoh Tung Ngai road at Wat Tung Ngai (from Wat Keow Kloy, 5k on the right; from the Kanjanawanit junction, 6k on the left) and follow the road for 2.8k to the run site on the right.
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