The next full moon hash run will take place tomorrow evening to coincide with the total lunar eclipse which will happen in the early hours of Saturday morning, so there will be a camp-out after the run. That will then be followed in a slightly different location by the SH3 run, assuming that the hare can stay awake long enough to set it!
Details are:
Hatyai Full Moon Hash House Harriers' run # 142, Friday, July 27, 2016. 7:00 p.m.
Hare: Sex Star
Misdirections: From The Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4.7k and turn left for 8k then right at Wat Keow Kloy into Poonakan for about 5.8k and turn right. (From the PSU end of Poonakan, the turning is 5.2 k on the left). Follow the road to the right at a T junction after 300m, then swing left past Rong Rien Tungnai for a total of 700m. Then leave the road into the rubber on the track to the left and follow it to the run site at 7.011608° 100.532303°.
The usual full moon stuff mostly applies although there will be no beer on sale (except at the 7-11 down the road!) . There will be a modest amount of sponsored beer, but the suggestion is to bring what you think you will drink as that way there will probably be enough beer to accommodate what you actually drink! Food is also on a contributory basis so please try not to come empty handed. If you are going to camp at the run site then a tent and sleeping bag are advisable and if you are old and have a bad back then an air mattress would help! And don't forget to bring a hand light if you intend to do the run
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run #1934
Hares:Egghead and Harram
Misdirections: From The Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4.7k and turn left for 8k then right at Wat Keow Kloy into Poonakan for 1.2k and turn laft for 500m to the run site on the left at 7.018995° 100.568821°. From the PSU end of Poonakan the turning is 9.8k on the right. Usual SH3 stuff applies, i.e. please come along and support the hares who by the time the run takes place will have been sporadically involved in laying the run for about 30 hours, one way or another!
Finally, HH3's details will have to be added later as they haven't been announced yet but the run should feature a visit from SH3's Whoremonger and Low Call Girl who will be in town to talk about the 9-11 train rumble run (and no jokes about disasters please!)
Sunday's HH3 run is near the football field at Kuanjong. From Poonakan Rd take the Ban Nai Lai road (from Wat Keow Kloy, 7.5 k on the left, from the junction with Kanjanawanit road, 3.5k on the right) for 3.4k and turn left for 100 meters to the runsite at 6.974846° 100.520865°.