Thursday, January 18, 2018
On the road again in the new Yala road, near the pig farm; the bit they don't use yet as they haven't worked out how to remove the top of the hill.
Ok, ok, so it ain't Willie Nelson but with the promise of dinner and karaoke at Thung Jaeng afterwards maybe this week we can get our numbers up above the magic 30 which we haven't reached so far this year.
Details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run #1908, Saturday January 20th 2017, 4:00 p.m.
Hare: Sex Sprinter and friends
Misdirections: From the Ko Yo intersection take the new Yala road for 6.5k and cross the carriageway onto the unused section of road then follow it for 500m to the run site at the top of the hill (7.086898° N 100.610967°E). From Hatyai the suggested route is to take the old Hatyai road to the Kuan Hin traffic lights then turn right and go 4k, then follow the road straight ahead (i.e. left, as the road bends right). Go 1k then follow the hard top road left at the 4-way intersection for 500m and at the junction with the NYR, creep along the hard shoulder on the right for 50m onto the unused section.
Sunday's HH3 run is near Khun Thong: Take the old Yala road for 16k and turn right just before Wat Khun Thong then go about 1.1k and turn right onto the track for 250m to the runsite in the quarry at 7.042535° N 100.646147°E. From Hatyai, get to Tha Kham and then head East to the big tree and go straight ahead for 2.5k, then left for 250m etc. The hare is rrrrrRooo.... you know!
Changes to Sunday's run site in red above. Not a biggie, just on the opposite side of the road in the quarry.