A Stick Insect run is always an occasion to celebrate as his new career as a born-again teacher keeps him too busy to set runs very often. But he's returning to one of his old haunts this week with promises of new and interesting trails and just a hint of wet feet as the rainy season grinds towards its end.
Details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run # 1899, Saturday November 18th 2017, 4:30 p.m.
Hare: Stick Insect
Misdirections: From the Ko Yo intersection take the old Hatyai road for 4k and turn left at the Kuan Hin traffic lights then go about 6.5k and turn left for 500m to the run site just beyond the water tower at 7.070652°N 100.611909°E. From Songkhla town you can avoid the Ko Yo intersection by taking the old Yala road for 11k from the Kao Seng intersection and turning right by the beer shop (about 1k past the Angthong intersection) then go 2k, passing Wat Kao Lam in the process, then at the crossroads go right for about 2k and the turning to the run site will be on your right. From Hatyai, take the old road to Kuan Hin then turn right at the traffic lights for 6.5k, etc.
Sunday's HH3 run is Kai Jeow's attempt to make amends for the near disaster two week's ago. The run site is new and, yes there will also be some never-before-run trails as well as some old favorites, and the hare is definitely not constructing any bridges this week so wearing an old pair of running shoes might be sensible! Misdirections are: From Wat Keow Kloy at the top of Poonakan Road, head towards Nern Pijit and after 2.3k turn left. After 150m, bear right and follow the road/track for 1.2k to the run site in the rubber on the left at 7 00.642N 100 35.704 E.
Finally, notice that by popular request SH3's start time will be shifting to 4:00 p.m. for the remainder of the rainy season and this week will be the last 4:30 start for a while. The 1900th run on November 25th will, however start at 4:15 p.m. with the first 4:00 p.m. start the following week.
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