This week's SH3 run is loosely speaking a birthday run as two of the four hares are celebrating around now.
Details are:
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run #1874, Saturday May 20th 2017, 4:30 p.m.
Hares: Stick Insect, Eightball, Keeling and Fathima
Misdirections: From The Kao Seng intersection take the old Yala road for 8.2k and do a U turn, then come back 700m and turn left into Chompoo Soi 11. Follow the road/track for 500m to the run site.
From Hatyai, (avoiding the Ko Yo intersection) Get to Tha Kham and head East for about 5.5k then turn left under the new temple arch on the road leading to Kao Long. After 500m, bear right away from Kao Long and follow the road for about 4k through several villages and across 2 crossroads until it comes out on the old Yala road just after passing Wat Kao Lam. Turn left and go north for about 4.5k then turn left into Chomphoo Soi 11 etc. Note: The long run will be an A-B run so there will be transport to the A site leaving the B site (in Chompoo Soi 11) sharp at 4:30 p.m. So please try to be there early so the transport can leave on time. It is understood that the short run will not require transport so anyone arriving late can do that.
Sunday's HH3 run is being set by Kai Jeow not a million miles from where last Sunday's Inchdick monster was set. Full directions are:
(From Songkhla) From the Kao Seng intersection take the old Yala road for 16k and turn right just before Wat Khun Thong for 3.5k, then turn left just after the big tree and go 150 meters. Bear right following signs through the village for about 800m then turn left at the T junction onto the concrete road heading for the hill. After 200m take the third turning on the right just before the chicken farm and follow the dirt track/new concrete road for 1k to the run site. Park considerately as there is not a lot of off road parking. Coordinates are: 7.025486N, 100.619056E or thereabouts. From Hatyai get to Tha Kham and go east for 6k then turn right just before the big tree and follow the directions above.
Thanks to Kee Ling & Dave for coming to rescue me on Saturday. I was way behind after getting lost at a false trail on the hill. Eventually found paper, but as it was getting dark I tried to shortcut home and ended up coming out on the main road to the South of the runsite. To make matters even worse I went further down the road until I saw the An Long traffic lights. I could say this will teach me to stay on paper, but no one would believe me! On On Gan Yao