This Saturday's SH3 run will be Egghead's clickety clickth birthday run which coincidentally will be his 2-2-2 lay. So the run will be.... moderate, with challenging interludes, the primary intention being to have everybody back at the run site long before dark in time to enjoy a few well-earned celebratory beers. Sadly, OaY will not be joining us as she will be on family duty in Bangkok but she has promised to leave a large vat of chicken curry for the pre-circle feast. And in view of the proximity to Egg Towers there will be a couple of cases of beer on ice there if the mood takes us to carry on after the circle.
Details are;
Songkhla Hash House Harriers' run #1846, Saturday 5th November 2016, 4:30 p.m.
Hares Egghead etc.
Misdirections: From the Ko Yo intersection* take the old Hatyai road for 4k and turn left for 5.2k (bearing right with the road at 4k rather than going straight ahead). Turn left opposite the temple arch at Borogam and go 500m to the run site at the big sala (7.074609 N, 100.606418 E). From Hatyai take Kanchanawanit Rd. from the traffic lights at Ko Hong for 13k and turn right at the Kuan Hin traffic lights. Go 5.2k etc.
(*To avoid the mess at Ko Yo, about 4.5k along Kanchanawanit Rd. from the Sam Rong traffic lights turn left under the temple arch for Wat Bang Dan and after 60m, turn right onto the dirt road. Follow the road across the old railway lines for 1.8k until you hit the NYR, Turn left for 7.4k then take the right turn just before the new unused double carriage-way section of the NYR and go 500m, then turn left on the metaled road towards Ban Napong (don't take the dirt track 30 meters before which leads up to the pig farm). After 800m, at a T junction, turn right and follow the road as it turns left for 300m to another T junction at which turn right, then immediately left and follow the road for 400m, then turn right to the big sala after 150m. Map below for the adventurous.)
Sunday's HH3 run details are now, as promised added below. Subjetct to confirmation, the details seem to be turn left at the OHR 4.7k junction and go about 11k, passing Wat Nern Pijit in the process, then look for and turn at a hash sign on the left and go 400m before turning left into the run site. Hares are Black Sexman and the real Sex of the Man.
Happy birthday, and have a quacking good run!
ReplyDeleteHH3 details now added above.